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B"H CONFLICTS WILL BRING THE BIG WAR ON THE WHOLE WORLD AND IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE JEWS!!! CONFLICT IS THE SURE DEATH TO LOVE EVERY JEW. TO SAY IT! TO LIVE IT! TO SAY IT PUBLICLY! -THE WORDS OF AN AUTISTIC CHILD CONCERNING THE RAMPANT SITUATION IN ISRAEL AT THIS POINT: A DISCOURSE TO CHARAIDIM (ULTRA-ORTHODOX JEWS)- A MEETING THAT TOOK PLACE ON THE 6TH OF ADAR 5758. IT IS OF HIS REQUEST THAT WE PUBLICIZE HIS WORDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC AND FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN. I want that it should be clear to everyone that the end is truly in the air, Hashem is preparing us for the end. There are those who want and there are those who do not want to receive the truth. Those who do not want to receive it, are like those who are in Mitzrayim (Egypt). Even us here (in Israel) are in Mitzrayim in Galus (exile). Not wanting to be FREE, not wanting to do teshuva (to return), and to live lives of KEDUSHA (holiness). NOT WANTING TO GET CLOSE TO HASHEM BECAUSE GETTING CLOSE TO HASHEM MEANS: DISTANCE FROM THE MATERIAL TO TELL OTHERS WE ALL LIKE WANT THE MATERIAL, THE PLEASURE. *********EVERY PERSON MUST CHECK HIM/HERSELF********** EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE UNTIL DEATH. The big work (service) of today is to bring people back to Teshuva. If you are here, you know that you have the opportunity to influence. Every Jewish person MUST INFLUENCE in order to save neshamot (souls) because this is Pikuach Nefesh (saving a life). I RETURNED TO THIS WORLD IN ORDER TO SAVE NESHAMOT, NOT BECAUSE I HAD TO. EVERY JEW, A TZADDIK (RIGHTEOUS) OR OTHERWISE, MUST DEAL WITH RETURNING TO TESHUVA BECAUSE THERE WONT BE MANY MORE GILGULIM (REINCARNATIONS) AFTER THIS GENERATION AND THIS IS THE END AND THERE IS NO TIME. THE WORLD WILL REGRESS SLOWLY SLOWLY UNTIL THE END. if we all do TESHUVA then we can stop the process and THE MOSHIACH will arrive in happiness and with ease. and if not, then you will know why the GEDOLIM of the generation did not want to be present in this era. IT IS IN OUR HANDS, WE MUST JUMP INTO THE SEA. QUESTION: How does one bring back to teshuva? ANSWER: Every one finds the path, every person is different thus every path must suite the person. QUESTION: How much time should one devote to (Torah) study, and how much for the merit of the masses (Zichui Harabim)? ANSWER: This is a question for a rabbi. Yet I know that for a time of danger we leave the learning part and take the weapons and go out to war. HOW TO BRING MOSHIACH PEACEFULLY: CONFLICT IS THE SURE DEATH TO LOVE EVERY JEW. TO SAY IT! TO LIVE IT! TO SAY IT IN PUBLIC! CONFLICTS WILL BRING THE BIG WAR ON THE WHOLE WORLD AND IT WILL BE BECAUSE OF THE JEWS!!! COMPASSION erases ConfliCt! A jew should not have ANY THOUGHT other than how to help the needy. We are NULLIFYING one by one our GEDLOLIM with this TERRIBLE WEAPON. We are killing ourselves we are destroying our Torah and it is all because of HATRED OF ONE ANOTHER. There is not even ONE who sees the truth aside from select tzaddiks, but they can not change anything because the AM ISRAEL is not ready to listen. They GUARD THEIR TONGUES they listen to advice on GUARDING THE TONGUE but do not abstain from hating a Jew who is not EXACTLY like them, the reason being that he is different than him, because he prays in a different manner, because he works instead of SITTING IN A KOLLEL BECAUSE HE IS A LITVACK OR A CHASSID OR ASHKENAZI OR SEPHARDI. Because of reasons like these it is permissible to speak against him and to fight with him with the complaint that he is without a doubt ruining Judaism. STUPID PEOPLE! You do not realize what you are doing, Hashem Yisborach hates this more than any other transgression why do you not OPEN YOUR EYES Hashem Yisborach will not allow this hatred to continue! VEAHAVTA LEREECHA KAMOCHA (AND YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR FRIEND LIKE YOURSELF) - it does not matter if he is CHASSIDIC, SEPHARDIC, ASHKENAZIC, a BAAL TESHUVA, a RUSSIAN, or LITVISH. all are the children of HASHEM YISBORACH. LOVE THEM! Why do you think that you are better than our Father in heaven, he loves everyone you dare be proud liKe thiS. YOUR LOVING FATHER AWAITS YOUR TESHUVA. guarding the tongue, everyone talks about how much it is important. everyone tries to hear, everyone makes gatherings and listen to lessons on the subject. but, nevertheless the charedi world is divided and split into groups of jews that are FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN they fight against one another, with the most dangerous weapon of all the tongue, but everything is FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN to speak against rabbis is forbidden, but permitted if he belongs to another camp and this is most positively a danger to the nation of Israel. hatred is celebrating, dividing in every place. pity to the nation that is killing itself. stupid, we are, we all dont see truth dont see the big danger. Hashem will not tolerate a nation that suffers so much from hating one another. i scream a big scream and ask from every jew to return to the Father who loves us and that we should again feel in our hearts a big love for every jew, and if not, G-d forbid we will pay expensively. -Written by a 5 year old autistic boy. YES, THIS IS AND IMPORTANT SUBJECT BUT FIRST OF ALL TO EDUCATE THE ADULTS, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE PROBLEM OF THE YOUTH. IT IS NECESSARY TO PUT LESS EMPHASIS ON THE MATERIAL, ALSO THOSE WHO STUDY MUST STUDY MORE FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVEN TODAY THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM. MANY WELCOMERS WILL RECEIVE A SURPRISE WHICH IS NOT GOOD IN HEAVEN. The generation is very weak, to return for real in teshuva and not as if. The level of judgement will become G-d forbid much more difficult, LOOK FOR THE TRUTH AND NOT THE LIE THAT IS COMFORTABLE, then there will not be problems for AM ISRAEL. our biggest transgression is separation. respect of a person to his/her friend is the key to GAN EDEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ waKe up JewS there iS no time for conflictS, let uS all unite and we will recieve MoShiach with happineSS and peace. IT IS A MITZVAH TO PUBLICIZE AND TO PASS THIS ON. Tizku LeMitzvot!!!