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You want to join? Yay! Here's the lovely code you will need to use. Just chose which one to use and make sure you take out the **'s and put in your own image name and characters name. And you have options! First, you can chose to use a text code. It will look like this:

apple dumpling :: aino minako
<**a href=""**>apple dumpling<**/a> :: your character's name

Or you can save this icon to your harddrive and use that. Just link it back to the cliques main page.

<***a href="**"><**img src=**image name.gif**"><**/a>

OR! You can take a pic of your character blushing and resize it and link it back to the cliques page.
<**a href="**"><**img src="imagename.jpg/gif**"><**/a>
