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ss WWF Attitude Modesss


Career Mode (1 player)
-You start the season on April 1. You fight at some house shows until you get some recognition. Then you can fight at Shotgun and Heat. Once you win some more matches, you'll fight on Raw. A little bit later, you'll get a European title shot. If you win, you'll continue to fight this time for the IC title. As you get more wins, you'll start fighting at real PPVs. Soon, you get your shot at the IC title. After you win the IC title, and get some more wins, you'll get your shot at the Heavyweight title. More than likely this match will happen at WrestleMania. If you win, congratulations, you're the champ. We don't know yet what happens after you win the heavyweight title.

Versus (1 or 2 players)
-Simple one on one action. It has been confirmed by Acclaim employees that you WILL be able to choose your own opponent in versus mode. Thank God.

-This mode sounds very interesting. You can pick matches for a PPV in which you will name. You will also state the stipulations for the matches. I don't know what happens after you state the matches for the PPV. Maybe you'll watch the matches, wrestle in only designated matches and watch the rest, or wrestle them all. We'll wait and see.

Tag Team (1-4 players)
-Plain tag team action. And yes, you CAN choose your opponents.

Triple Threat Match (1-3 players)
-We all know what a triple threat match is. Hell, we saw about 25 of them between Austin/Kane/Undertaker last year alone. I'm getting sick of saying it, so if a match involves you fighting against the computer, you CAN pick your opponent(s).

Steel Cage (1-4 players)
-Same thing as in War Zone. This is NOT the Hell in a Cell cage, it is the cage which was used at St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Maybe they'll put some freekin ropes inside the cage this time. UPDATE: Same cage as War Zone.

Stable Match(1-4 players)
-This match sounds promising. Four teams of four men are picked. One man from each team starts in the ring. When a guy is pinned, another member from his team comes in and replaces him. The match ends when only one team has men remaining.

Lumberjack (1 or 2 players)
-This is a normal versus match with one exception. There will be two computer controlled guys on the outside of the ring waiting to pummel on someone that gets thrown out.

King of the Ring (1-8 players)
-Simple 8-man tournament. Winner is crowned King of the Ring.

Falls Count Anywhere (1-4 players)
-Like a normal singles match except you can beat a guy anywhere. It was in War Zone, it was in Revenge, it'll be in Attitude.

Royal Rumble (1-4 players)
-Just like the Royal Rumble in War Zone. I'm not gonna bother going over how a Royal Rumble works because we all know. I don't know how many participants there will be in the Rumble itself. Odds are it'll be adjustable like in Revenge.

Survivor Series (1-4 players)
-This mode I will explain because recently, Survivor Series' have been about screw job endings and not the elimination matches. Two teams of four men fight it out in one massive tag match. When one man is pinned, he hauls his carcass off to the locker room. Once all four members of one team are pinned, the match is over. The only question is how they will manage to have 8 guys in one match. Well, they had this mode in WWF Raw for the Sega Genesis. What they did is have it set up like a normal tag match with two guys in the ring, and one partner for each guy on the outside waiting for a tag. By pressing certain buttons, you could cycle through your remaining teammates and they'd replace the guy on the outside waiting for the tag. Expect something similar in Attitude.

Training Mode(1 player)
-Normal training mode. I want to comment on one thing quick. In TWR2's interview with Jeff Robinson, Jeff said, and I quote, "Moves are being simplified to a point, and you can practice them all in the training room on yours truly." Does that mean that Jeff will be the trainer in Attitude? Take it as you want.

Gauntlet(1 player)
-Same gauntlet mode as in War Zone.

Tag Team Gauntlet(1-4 players)
-Tag team gauntlet is the same as gauntlet, excpet you're a part of a tag team.

2 vs. 1(1-3 players)
-Self explanatory. 2 guys fight one guy.

3 vs. 1(1-4 players)
-Again, self explanatory. 3 guys beat the living crap out of one. To all those who say War Zone was too easy, try doing this one on hard.


Iron Man
-The match will be set for a certain time. Whoever scores the most falls in that amount of time wins.

First Blood
-The man to draw blood from his opponent first wins.

I Quit
-The first man to make his opponent say "I Quit!" wins. (More than likely you'll have to make them tap out of a submission move.)

Two Out Of Three Falls
-The first man to score two falls wins.

-Weapons will be scattered around the ringside area.

Last Man Standing
-After some gets pinned, he'll have to the count of ten to drag his ass off the mat. If he doesn't get up, the match is over.


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