"This," he finished off his earlier sentence, bending Tay backwards once again and slowly enveloping his lips around the head of Tay's cock.

Taylor involuntarily squeezed his eyes shut and let out a low moan. His mind couldn't even think at first - oh, God . . . it felt so good! The wetness and tightness of the suction that Drew's lips were creating on his throbbing knob were incredible.

Oh, God, I can't believe this is happening. This is too good to be real, Taylor's mind began to race, feeling the heavy sucking sensations on his cock. But it was real. It was happening.

Drew temporarily stopped sucking on his gigantic lollipop, and switched to giving the entire length of Taylor's shaft long, loving licks. At that, Taylor's thighs jerked, and tensened considerably. He took deep inhales of Tay's boy scent . . . the musky genitalia aroma, a clean scent and a dirty one at the same time. Its pungent, sharp smell was enough to clear someone's sinuses, and Drew was filled with healthy lungfuls of it. Delicately, he began to swirl his tongue around the very tip of the slick crown of Tay's prick, tasting the clear fluid eagerly and feeling the head's leathery, smooth thickness.

"Mmmm," Taylor slowly let out. Fantastic colors passed over his vision, corresponding erratically with the bursts of thrilling pleasure, a different kind than he was used to feeling. This was just spectacular. Before he knew what he was doing, he'd locked his calves behind Drew's back and was pulling him forward, desperately urging Drew to take as much of him into his mouth as possible.

Drew looked unsure of what to do for the first time since Taylor had ever met him, and the Hanson boy almost apologized for his act of pure sexual hunger, but before he could, Drew's uncertainty had passed, and he slowly slid Taylor's cock as far into his mouth as he could stand without gagging on both a thick head hitting his throat and the precum that was oozing out like Taylor had sprung a leak.

Fireworks exploded in a private showing for Taylor. Drew was rewarded with a look of contorted disbelief and ultimate, uncontrollable pleasure. Taylor felt electricity raging through his body, paralyzing his brain. And then, Drew began to slowly move his head up and down, in the motion of jacking Tay off, while sucking and using his tongue to stroke whatever he could. He could actually feel Taylor's cock hardening further, growing wider and throbbing on his tongue.

Taylor tried to stifle his gasp, but his mind was slipping away from him quickly, and his senses exploding and becoming lost all at the same time. Involuntarily, he began to buck his hips in his eagerness to feel his cock further inside the warm, wet orifice. Drew edged off a little as Taylor's hot, twitching body suddenly gave a stronger tremor, and his cock twinged. Drew was faced with a flash decision. Did he want to take Taylor's offering?

He didn't have time to decide, nor did Taylor have time to warn him. Tay came strongly, whimpering a little with the strongest orgasm he'd ever experienced, his hand reaching out and blindly grabbing the arm of the chair. Drew noticed how Taylor's fingernails dug into the chair's fabric. And then, not a second later, a hot substance shot out and hit the back of Drew's throat, and gently, Drew took two fingers and used them to squeeze Taylor's cock. It came out stronger, more to a spurt than the first one.

Oh, fuck, it's warm stuff, he realized, feeling the warm liquid leaking down his throat. In an instant, Drew knew he loved the feeling of having Taylor's cum in his throat, in his body, tasting it on the back of his tongue. He swallowed eagerly.

Taylor's thighs were still clutching him around the shoulders tightly. Drew reached his hands up and held them through the Dickies gently, feeling them still quivering with the build-up and spectacular release of tension.

And then, in surrender, Taylor's body flopped back down from its completely stiff state, and he began to pant. Drew slowly withdrew his head, and gave the tip of Taylor's still-stiff-but-not-quite-as-stiff dick a little kiss. He sat back in satisfaction and happiness, still tasting his friend's seed in his mouth and feeling it in his throat. He swallowed a final time and gazed at Taylor.

Taylor forced himself to open his eyes. He found Drew looking at him, just as intensely as Taylor had been staring at Drew on the dance floor. Then, he began to laugh.

Drew's face flickered with confusion.

"You," Taylor breathed softly, "have something on your chin." He sat up and leaned in and licked the little streak of his own thick white cum from Drew's chin. Drew smiled at the warm, wet feeling of Taylor's tongue on his skin. Tay added, "You know that expression 'Put some milk on it and let the cat lick it off?'"

His friend shrugged. "Yeah."


Taylor mimicked a cat and swiped at Drew's chest with gentle claw.

Drew grinned, fighting the urge he had to wrap Taylor tightly in his arms and cuddle him to death. Even though their relationship was obviously a lot different now, it still wasn't close to a hug-me-kiss-me-I-need-you-I-love-you type.

Their eyes met, and a silence settled over them. For a moment, reality slipped back in to the two's minds, and they realized what they'd just done. Taylor's mouth even dropped open a little.

"You didn't have to swallow," he muttered to Drew, nervously slipping his hair behind his ears.

Drew shook his head quickly. "No, I wanted to. I - kinda, like, liked it."

Taylor's worry disappeared and a grin glimmered on his lips. He even looked sort of flattered for a moment. "Damn, well, I've never even tasted it."

"Well, you're very . . . salty . . . and kind of sweet, too," the other blond replied.

Taylor took a long, deep breath.

"I've wanted to do this."

Drew's eyebrows raised. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Yeah, it would have been so easy to just walk up to you and say, 'Drew, dammit, I wanna go screw around with you.'" Taylor sighed, and remembered how he'd been writing so furitively in his journal. Oh man, was he gonna have some new material for that when he got home. "I mean, dude, I didn't know if your offer still stood. It's been a while since you said that. I just didn't want to come up to you and say something and have you beat the shit out of me or something."

Instead of protesting how he would not, Drew just smiled.


Drew shook his head. "Nothing, I might talk to you about it later."

Taylor sensed Drew's seriousness. "Okay."

Drew shifted beneath Tay. His balls were aching mercilessly for the need to come, and stimuli hadn't occurred yet. Suddenly, Taylor looked down at Drew's hard, jumping dick.

"You look a tad hard there, Drew!"

"What you gonna do about it?" Drew sneered, smiling a nasty smile that Taylor adored.

that's all for now!
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