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aLL thE DiRT oN mE!!

Well if you have come this far, i guess i oughta throw the dog a bone *s* and give you some of the basics about me.i just moved to Medicine Hat yesterday, i'm 20 years old, looking for a job right at the moment, but i am super happy to have escaped that crappy little town of 6500 in Sask. Lets see... i am 5'5", 130lbs, have long reddish-brown hair, green eyes, a pierced belly button and a pierced tongue, and i'm a Pisces!!! i have hopes to get a couple of tatty's (as soon as the tongue is better) i love to party, and love being the center of attention..... hmmm well guess thats the basics. i have a very strong personality, and an extremely stubborn. though i am a real nice person once you get to know me... if you wanna know my likes and dislikes, you'll have to check out the cool/suck page. There. Happy now?