I2 PAPER (IIT kanpur) 14/8/98 IN THIS THERE ARE TWO PAPERS EACH OF ONE HOUR.ONE IS ANALYTICAL AND THE OTHER IS TECHNIQAL PAPER. ANALYTICAL PAPER: IN THIS THERE ARE 3 PARTS PART A: THERE ARE ABOUT 45 QUESTIONS.IN EACH THERE ARE TWO SENTENCES.YOU HAVE TO SELECT THE TRUE STATEMENT. FOR EXAMPLE--1 1.LUCK PLAYS GREAT ROLE TO GET SUCCESS 2.IF WE WORK HARD WE GET SUCCESS. while answering these questions you should be careful because many questions will be repeated ie., one question will be asked in different ways.so your response should be same for all that questions. PART B: IN THIS THERE ARE ABOUT 4 SECTIONS. IN EACH SECTION THERE ARE 15 BITS. SECTION 1--- SECTION 2--- INFERENCES, SECTION 3--- CONCLUSIONS SECTION 4--- ASSUMPTIONS PART C: THERE IS NEGATIVE MARKING IN THIS PART.THIS IS COMPREHENSIVE.THERE ARE 10 QUESTIONS. ************************************************************************ (I am unable to reproduce questions as itis. iam writing them in my own words questions are same just language different) TECHNICAL PAPER :: IN THIS THERE ARE TWO PARTS PART 1: THERE ARE 20 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS .EACH QUESTION CARRIES 3 MARKS.THERE IS NEGATIVE MARKING FOR EACH WRONG ANSWER MINUS 1 MARK.HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS OF THIS PART. 1. convert 0.9375 to binary (c) a) 0.0111 b)0.1011 c)0.1111 d)none 2.( 1a00 * 10b )/ 1010 = 100 (b) a) a=0,b=0 b)a=0, b=1 c) d)none 3. in 32 bit memory machine 24 bits for mantissa and 8 bits for exponent. to increase the range of floating point. a) more than 32 bit is to be there. b) increase 1 bit for mantissa and decrease 1 bit for exponent c) increase 1 bit for exponent and decrease one bit for mantissa d) 4. this on logical gates A---------------------------------- OR ------- | | | |------- not ----- | |-- AND --- X | | | |---- AND ------ | | | | | | | |---------- | | | B----------------- NOT ------------------------- X = ? a) A ^ B b) A + B c) A ^ (- B) d) ^ is for AND, + is for OR , - is for NOT. answer is c please check it. 5. in C "X ? Y : Z " is equal to a) if (X==0) Y ;else Z b) if (X!=0) Y ;else Z c) if (X==0) Y ; Z d) 6. foo() int foo(int a, int b){ if (a&b) return 1; return 0; } a) if either a or b are zero returns always 0 b) if both a & b are non zero returns always 1 c) if both a and b are negarive....... d) 7. typedef struct nt{--------} node-type node-type *p a) p =( nodetype *)malloc( size of (node-type)) b) c) d) 8. function gives some error what changes as to be made void ( int a,int b){ int t; t=a; a=b; b=t; } a)define void as int and write return tt b)change everywhere a to *a and b to *b c) d) 9. which of the following is incorrect a) if a and b are defined as int arrays then (a==b) can never be true b) parameters are passed to functions only by values c) defining functions in nested loops d) 10. include void swap(int*,int*); main() { int arr[8]={36,8,97,0,161,164,3,9} for (int i=0; i<7; i++) for (int j=i+1; j<8;j++) if(arr[i]