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this is my board. isn't it a cutie?! <

this is miSs kAt


name- the one and only straight-edge goddess miss ally kat bat
hair- its red/orange right now.. and its in the process of growing out from a shory you be the judge.. eye color: DARK brown
glasses?: yep- i have black geek glasses- they rock
if you need to talk to me (i dunno why...) but here you go:
AOL INSTANT MESSANGER: xxxallykatbatxxx
favorite types of music: ska, punk, techno, praise n worship and some hardcore
favorite bands (in no particular order): five iron frenzy audio aderline the insyderz plumb project 86 MxPx slick shoes foo fighters weezer reel big fish save ferris lifehouse dave demarco blink 182 crystal method aphex twin aquabats
Favorite Bible verses:
Isaiah 6:8- "then i heard the voice of the Lord saying 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us'? and i said 'Here am i. send me!"

Matthew 6:25:"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body; what you will wear."
Matthew 21:22- "if you believe, you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer".
Acts 1:8-"You will recieve POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you"
James 2:18-19-"Show me your faith without deeds and i will show you my faith by what i do. you believe there is one God. Good! even the demons believe that-and shudder"

Favorite movies: any kevin smith films
Status: i am single and waiting for mr. right to skank into my life!

Okay, you know theose stupid little quiz things people send to you in your e-mail and you feel bad if you don't send them bad?! well here's one for me!

1. What time is it? 9:54 pm
2. Name exactly how it appears on your birth certificate: hehehe, wouldnt you like to know?^
3. Nicknames: ally kat, katbat, freak, dork, ash,
4. Parent's names: daddy and patti
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 16
6. Date that you regularly blow them out: june 29th
7. Pets: 1 tooth-less kat and 2 dawgs
8. Height: 5'7 3/4
9. Eye color: dark brown
10. Hair Color: redish/orange
11. Piercings: 5 in left ear, 3 in right
12. Tattoos: none yet
13. How much do you love your job: its deceint
14. Birthplace: somewhere in pa (hehehe)
15. Hometown: quiptown
16. Current same
17. Had the drink Calypso Breeze? nope
18. Been in love before? whatever i had, it had the illusion of love, but who knows what it was
19. Been to Africa?: oh yes, every odd thursday
20. Been toilet-papering?: nope
21. Been drunk?: nope.... sXe baby!
22. Been toilet-papered?: many times
23. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? many a times
24. Been in a car crash?: twice (not serious though)
25. Croutons or Bacon Bits: croutons
26. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
27. Sprite or 7 Up: MOUNTAIN DEW
28. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: Coffee
29. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: BOTH!!
30. Dumpee or Dumper: both
31. Salad Dressing: none
32. Color of socks: more like what pattern...
33. Number: 13 or 17
34. Why?: why not?
35. Place to be kissed: hey, if i even get kissed, its my lucky day, so..rock on?
36. Movies: half-baked,doggma, mallrats, slc punk, next friday
37. Quote from a movie: "have you ever seen a dollar bill.....on weed?"- jon stewart, half baked
38. Foods:buttered noodles (39. Day of the Week: wednesday (chaple and youth group..God is SO AWESOME!)
40. Song at the moment: plumb- "lie low"
41. TV show: the daily show with jon stewart
42. Word or Phrase: fo shizle my nizle
43. Toothpaste: crest
44. Flower: purple tulips
45. Least Favorite Subject: anything doing with math
46. Alcoholic Drink: for the billionth time, i'm sXe!!!!
47. Sport to Watch: football (QUIPS BABBBBY!) OR stateboarding or bmxing
48. Type of Ice Cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough
49. Sesame Street Character: COOKIE MONSTER (stick it in my yummmm)
50. Disney/Warner Bros: Disney (little mermaid for life)
51. Fast Food Restaurant: fast food is yucky. clogs your pores. if i had to choose, mcdonalds.
52. When was your last hospital visit? in 6th grade for emergency and in july for physical (yuck)
53. What color is your bedroom's carpet? baby blue
54. What was the name of your childhood blanket? blankers
55. How many times did you fail your Permit or drivers test? didn't take it yet
56. What do you think of Ouija boards?: tarded
57. Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs?: married with kids and a sucessful pharmicist/lawyer/teacher
58. Who is the last person you got an email from before this one? megan
59. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nopers
60. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? disc continued or hot topic or goodwill
>61. What do you do most often when you are bored?: Internet, attempt to skateboard....(you all know how that one goes..), work on the matt page wif anthony, ...i hardly ever get "bored" time b/c i work 24/7
62. What words or phrases do you overuse: "beast" or "fo sho"
63. Name a person that you are friends with who lives the farthest away: nikki or anthony
64. Most annoying thing is: Stooopid people (maybe that's why i hate myself so much...)
65. Bedtime right now: around one some
66. Who will respond to this fastest? do i care?
67. Who did you sent this to that is least likely to respond? see above
68. What time is it now? 10:03 pm

this is satan kitty (a.k.a., abby). she is honestly a mental kat who needs counceling that is possesed by the devil.

Four years later an experiment
To mutate domestic pets
It turned into a nightmare
So lock your doors
Hide your hot dogs
This cat's upset
I kept it in a box
I watched it grow a lot
It chewed right through the lock
And ate all the new kids on the block.
The Cat with 2 Heads
Whoa, the Cat with 2 Heads!

i took these pics over the course of about 6 months, and DANG do i change!! HERE YOU GO TO SEE FOR YOURSELF:
