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Hello, and welcome to *ally*'s never-ending rage page.... i tend to be pissed off alot at a bunch of stupid stuff, so i decided it would be semi-interesting to keep a record of what i got mad at..( does this kinda tell you i don't have a life?!)... well, anyways, have fun and laugh at my misfortunes. and if you're mentioned in one of these stupid examples, don't be pissed at me. i'm over it by now. bye bye all!
*ally* ^kat^

11/24/00- wow... this is exciting. i was mad at; sooooooooooo mad at some person who would be hurt if i wrote his name on here so i'll play it safe and from now on refer to him as "HIM". anyways, "HIM" did something kinda ignorant to me, and i got pissed, listened to linkin park "one step closer" a billion times, and now i'm all better.

1/24/01- la di dah- i haven't been THAT mad lately..oh well.

You are better off going to my journal