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This is the story of a guy named Brian Deneke. He was an friendly, outgoing punk. He was intentionally run over and killed on the night of Friday, December 12th, 1997, by a jock that took his hate towards punks WAY too far. The jock, plus another 30-100 preps and jocks, got in a fight against Brian and his 9 other punks in a Western Plaza Parking lot, in their hometown of Amarillo, Texas. After getting in his Cadillac, Dustin Camp (The jock) wove in and out of Brian and his friends, tempting to run them over. First he hit Chris Oles, but Chris was stunned for a minute and was able to get back up. After a short time, Dustin headed for the parking lot exit....and suddenly turned his car around, intentionally headed for Brian....and hit him dead on. Brian flew up onto the hood and into the windshield, he then fell under the Cadillac and was run over by both the front and back tires. The nearly 2 ton Cadillac crushed Brian's skull and chest....leaving him lying on the pavement to die. Brian's brother and his friends watched as Brian lay there, caughing up blood, nearly dead. His blue and green mohawk seemed to be the only thing alive on him, with its bright colors. Brian lay there in his brother's (Jason Deneke) arms and in a pool of blood, covered in blood, with his chains hanging off of his camo pants and his black leather 3-row pyramid belt. His spine, pelvis, and several ribs had also been crushed, his front teeth were broken, and there was a large, deep gash on the left side of his face. Brian died at the scene of the (hate) crime. As for Dustin Camp, right now he is at home enjoying his life, and enjoying the fact that he got out of this murder like a person walking out of an open door. He was sentenced to 10 years probation, and he never even spent one night in jail!, and that is just unbelieveble. The trial will be opened up this year again, and hopefully the crackheads that kept Dustin out of jail will wake up and see just how guilty he is. How can you kill someone and not pay?!
As for his punk look, the court turned to appearances, and once they saw what Brian looked like and what he was wearing the night of his death, it all went downhill. It's not surprising - how often is it the prep's fault when it's prep/punk situation? It's always the punk, b/c of how they look. Brian was a good kid - he organized free local concerts and even offered to pay for the band's expenses. He published magazines, he helped set up a house where out of town bands that came to play shows could stay, he encouraged the people around him to do better, and if you were willing to give him your friendship, he would gladly give u his. Brian earned the nickname "Sunshine" for his friendly personality and his positive ideas. He worked with the Dynamite Museum, an art group that painted pictures and posted them in yards around town for free. Sadly, Brian was often beat up by preps and jocks because of his lifestyle. He lived with the all the name calling, from "Freak" to "Fag" to "Loser", to who knows what. These two things, the name-calling and the getting beat up, often led to the fights that Brian and his friends would have with the preps and jocks on the streets at night. (in 1997).

If you were moved by this story, you can still take action! Go to the link below and look around to see what you can do to make this country a better place for EVERYONE!!!!

Brian Deneke Memorial Website
Brian Deneke Photo Gallery