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Ma Granny


Ma granny niver hud the things that most folk hae the day.
She niver had a TV set or heard a tranny play.
She niver yist a microwave, eye level grills an’ things.
She yise tae yase an auld black range an’ twa gas burning rings.

Ma granny niver ate kebabs or Chinese cerry oots.
She niver drank a can o’ coke or tasted kiwi fruits.
She niver smelt the curried scent o’ spicy vindaloos;
Anither thing she didnae dae wis go tae barbecues.

Ma granny niver wore ‘T’ shirts, no even in her teens.
She niver wore a mini skirt, or frayed or torn jeans.
She niver wore her hair in spikes or died it blue and green;
And she niver had her arms tattoo’d like a that she’d niver seen.

Ma granny niver had a hoose wi’ mod cons like we hae.
The kitchen was her living room, the loaby – her hallway.
Her carpets were but clootie rugs that she’d made piece by piece;
And her hoover was a besom heid that worked by elba grease.

Naw ma granny niver hud the things that maist folk hae the day;
But I he memories o’ my granny that will niver go away:
Of the singin’ round the organ, an’ the stories that she told.
Yes, the memories o’ ma granny are worth their weight in gold.

Ma granny telt us stories as we sat there by her knee;
Stories aboot the Saviour an’ His love for you and me.
You see, ma granny kent the Saviour an’ His love for you and me;
Of how that Jesus came to die – for granny, - you – an’ me.

An’ the stories granny telt us are just the same the day;
The message niver changes – that Jesus is the way.
He died for us at Calvary to take away our sin,
If only we will ask Him, - then we will enter in.

So though the world has changed a lot since I sat on granny’s knee;
The message niver changes that Jesus is the way.
He died for us at Calvary to take away our sin,
If only we will ask Him, - then we will enter in.

So though the world has changed a lot since I sat on granny’s knee;
There’s one thing that has niver changed – that’s God’s love for you an’ me.
Naw, ma granny disnae need the things that we tak fur granted noo;
Na granny’s in her heavenly hame – will you be going too?


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