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The Widow’s Offering

In the courtyard of the Temple
Whaur the Lord had gone tae pray
On the table by the entrance
Stood a big collection tray

There wur young folk, there wur old folk
There wur weemin – there wur men
The Lord was sittin’ watchin’
As they drapped thur money in.

Some wealthy folk pit in a lot
And some nae much at aw’
Then a puir auld raggit widow
Came alang an’ gaed her a’

She drapped her offerin’ in the tray
A sma’ but great donation
Twa’ mites she gave, 'twas aw’ she had
Atween she an’ stairvation.

The widow turned an’ went her wiy
Her offerin’ she had made
Jesus turned to His deciples
“I’ll tell ye this,” He said,

“Yon widow’s gift tho’ just twa mites
Wis mair than aw’ the lave
They gave the thing they didnae need
But aw she had, she gave.”


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