The Bonnie Lass O’ Fyvie
There was a troop o’ Irish Dragoons
Cam’ a marchin’ doon through Fyvie, O,
An’ their captain’s fa’n in love wi’ a very bonnie lass,
An’ her name it was ca’d pretty Peggy, O.
Noo there's mony a bonnie lass in the Howe o’ Auchterless,
There’s mony a bonnie lass in the Garioch, O.
There’s mony a bonnie Jean in the toon o’ Aberdeen,
But the floo’er o’ them a’ is in Fyvie, O.
Oh it’s “Come doon the stair, pretty Peggy, my dear
Oh come doon the stair pretty Peggy, O,
Oh come doon the stair, kame back your yellow hair,
Tak’ a last fareweel o’ your daddy, O.
“For it’s I’ll gie ye ribbons for your bonnie gowden hair,
I’ll gie ye a necklace o’ amber, O.
I’ll gie ye silken petticoats wi’ flounces tae the knee,
If ye’ll convoy me doon tae my chaumer, O.”
“Oh I hae got ribbons for my bonnie gowden hair,
An’ I hae got a necklace o’ amber, O,
An’ I hae got petticoats befitting my degree,
An’ I’d scorn to be seen in your chaumer, O.”
“What would your mammy think if she heard the guineas clink,
An’ the hautboys a-playin’ afore you, O?
What would your mammy think when she heard the guineas clink,
An’ kent you had married a sodger, O?”
“Oh, a sodger’s wife I never shall be,
A sodger shall never enjoy me O,
For I never do intend to go to a foreign land,
So I never shall marry a sodger O.”
“A sodger’s wife ye never shall be,
For ye’ll be the captain’s lady, O,
An’ the regiment shall stand wi’ their hats intae their hands,
An’ bow in the presence o' my Peggy, O.
“It’s braw, aye, it’s braw a captain’s lady tae be,
It’s braw tae be a captain’s lady, O.
It’s braw tae rant an’ rove an’ tae follow at his word,
An’ tae march when your captain he is ready, O.”
But the Colonel he cries “Now mount, boys, mount!”
The captain he cries, “Oh tarry, O,
Oh gang nae awa’ for another day or twa,
Till we see if this bonnie lass will marry, O.”
It was early next morning that we rode awa’
An’ oh but oor captain was sorry, O.
The drums they did beat owre the bonnie banks o’ Gight
An’ the band played The Lowlands o’ Fyvie, O.
Lang ere we wan intae auld Meldrum toon
It’s we had oor captain to carry O,
An’ lang ere we wan intae bonnie Aiberdeen,
It’s we had oor captain tae bury O.
Green grow the birk upon bonnie Ythanside
An’ law lies the lawlands o’ Fyvie O,
The captain’s name was Ned an’ he died for a maid,
He dies for the bonnie lass o’ Fyvie, O.
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