July 24, 2000 - Glasgow @ The 13th Note
By: Wendy *neep@turnip.co.uk*

It took me 4 hours by bus to get to Glasgow and I spent the time listening to my specially prepared Sleater-Kinney mix tapes, which served to heighten my already sky high excitement. This was my first time seeing them live, having only really started to like (love) them this year (apologies to the purists). I’d never been to ‘The 13th Note’ but I consulted my trusty map and had a rough idea of where to find it. I actually ended up following a young chap who looked like he was going there, luckily he was! Once I gained entry to the place, I sat down with a drink, which I could hardly enjoy as I was so excited. I could hear their soundcheck going on downstairs. Shit, I was in the same building as them! As is a habit of mine, I had hardly been there anytime before making a fool of myself. On leaving the toilets, I almost bumped into Corin, I said sorry, as did she. I suddenly realised who she was and said “Oh, hello” before scuttling off like a frightened beetle! I’m only glad that I didn’t attempt more conversation, as I know I would have babbled inanely.

Having moved downstairs, I found myself standing next to Carrie at the bar. Despite being on the verge of shitting myself with excitement, I kept my cool and ordered another drink. As I stood there chatting to someone I had met upstairs, Mary Timony sneaked on stage. I knew nothing of her before tonight, except her Helium connection and the first 2 songs didn’t really grab me. I couldn’t decide whether I liked it or not. However, when she swung on her guitar, I decided that I did! Even her foray into violin territory was pretty cool. I can’t tell you what any of the songs were called; it would have been helpful if she had told us! Her only words to the audience were a muffled announcement about CDs being on sale somewhere. Where that somewhere was, I don’t know because I couldn’t find them!

As Corin, Carrie and Janet set up their equipment, I started moving forward towards the stage, though in a venue this size, anywhere is near the stage! The people standing around me must have thought I was mad as I kept sighing and laughing, such was my excitement. The butterflies in my stomach had already started dancing. And then it happened. “Ballad of a Ladyman” screamed out at us. But, what was going on? Apart from myself and a few others, noone was moving! Have these people no soul? Even “Ironclad” failed to move the Glasgow masses. Corin obviously felt as I did and said, “Feel free to dance around”. Inspired, I squeezed my way through the rigid crowd till I was second from the stage. It was then that I took leave of my senses!

I can’t remember the songs in any order, since I was too ‘gone’ to concentrate. I can recall “YNRNRF”, “Milkshake n’ Honey”, “The Professional”, #1 Must have”, Was It A Lie”, “Turn It On”, “Dig Me Out”, One More Hour”, “Little Babies”, “Fortunate Son”, “Not What You Want”, “Good Things”, “Start Together” but I’ve forgotten loads more. I was too busy whirling like the proverbial dervish. Also, the sight of Carrie gyrating about the stage in those red trousers like the true sex goddess that she is, was enough to make me forget my own name, let alone anything else.

God knows how long they played for, they came back for 2 encores, but it still wasn’t long enough. Though I got the impression it was more than enough for them! There was a bit of a problem of the sound, which seemed to piss them off. Also, I don’t know if it was due to the lack of reaction from the crowd or just my imagination but when Corin said “Thanks for being such a good audience”, it seemed laced with sarcasm. The inane comments from some members of the crowd didn’t help. I’d like to apologise on behalf of the stupid cow next to me, who shouted F**k Off while Corin was talking about Scottish/American/English accents. This wasn’t directed at Corin personally; unfortunately any mention of ‘The English’ in this Country usually results in some idiot braying obscenities! I left The 13th Note with the sound ringing in my ears and fire in my belly! Unfortunately I got lost on my way back to the Hotel and spent an hour wandering about in an alien City. When I finally got back, I lay on my bed with a cup of tea and a cigarette and listened to “All hands On The Bad One” till I fell asleep. A perfect end to a perfect night.

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