September 24, 2000 - Northampton @ Fairground *RiverFest*
By: steph operator *fawlty@WORLD.STD.COM*

Riverfest in Northampton was weird. it was the strangest mix of hip-hop, a reggae band, some really terrible dave matthews-type bands, and then s-k and sonic youth. i thought it was going to be a festival for an actual river, but apparently the River is the nickname of the radio station that sponsored the festival. i wonder if that station even plays sonic youth or s-k (i seriously doubt it).

anyway, i got there just as one of the aforementioned dave matthews copycat bands was finishing and s-k started playing immediately after on the next stage over. they started with a new song as kind of a soundcheck and then played about a 30 minute set, and they all seemed kind of pissed. (if i had to listen to all those other terrible bands all day i would be pissed, too). but they were great, as usual.

corin had something painted on her face (a lizard?). Janet wore a brown tank top - she must be branching out, or maybe she thought it was actually black (hee)... carrie joked how playing in the middle of a manure-smelling field is so natural for them and so similar to their practice space. they wished janet happy birthday. Kim gordon was watching them from the side of the stage. they played one other new song, which carrie sings, and i think the sound guy had turned down her mike because i could not hear her at all. then right before their last song, her mike was totally off and corin said to just start. they played YNRNRF. carrie changed some of the words to "you wanna party with the daylight on" (it was about 3pm) and "you wanna party with your hackey sack" (there were SO many hippies playing hackey sack - no matter where i went i was bombarded with stray ones). and at the end she also sang "THIS IS NO ROCK N ROLL FUN" a couple times.

after their set, carrie was playing with Coco (Kim & Thurston's kid) and it was thee cutest thing ever. they played tag for a while and then carrie was giving her horsey rides!

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