Snoopy's Diary
June 11th 2000,
Dear Woofbook,
Today me and my mommy were playing throw the bannana for a really long time it was really fun.Also we went swimming it took me 5 minutes but i was in and also we have plans to go for 5 walks today!FIVE!and thegood thing is i dont have to wear my icky leash.Ok and also wear gonna go to the dogpark later and start training for zig and zag the alpha dog challenge.
July 13th 2000,
Dear Woofbook,
Sorry i didnt wright yesterday,yesterday i got a new toy that squaeks!can u believe it!I luv squeaky suff.so thats why i didnt wright today i'm just mostly sleepin i stayed up late last night playing with my new toy,so also before i wrote i just went on a really really long walk i walked to the beach and i swam in the water and i saw one of my friends silver,she comes to the beach alot too so we just ran around together around the beach we ran so far that my owner had to open the bag of treats so i would come back.and also were working on some tricks like jump, up stairs, down stairs, slide down slide, zig and zag, thouse kinds of tricks.
July 19, 2000
Dear Woofbook,
Today i went in the pool.I was playing basketball with the floating hoop.but just personally i think that its easier with a raft to swim then to just swim with a basketball.Also today i learned how to wag my tail, seriously that little stub thing ont the back of me can move!can u believe that!also i got a new bag of jerkey treats! mmmmmmmm jerky treats!
September 2,2000
Dear Woofbook,
Sorry I havent written but I was on vacation.
Ok but today hehe I played a little prank today,hehe.
I dug a hole under my fence into the neibors yard then I got out of his yard and I ran all around the neiborhood.No one noticed i was gone since no one was outside at the time hehe.Finally about 5 minutes later 35minutes in dog years,my mommy came looking for me and she couldnt find me heres the little prank hehe,I went and hid in some ones back yard and stayed there,hehe.Fiinally i was hungry so i ran back and i still didnt want to be caught so i stayed by my house and just ran and ran and i ran,then i went inside for a drink.All i heard after that was that song 'Who Let the Dogs Out'
September 14,2000
Dear Woofbook,
Today I was at this dogpark and you wouldnt believe what happened!ok this is what happened.....
I was running around and this guy says to my mom "Oh what a beautiful dog!".An dthen when my mom wasent looking the mean old fat cuban came and he doggy napped me!He picked me up threw me in his car and drove away!My mom and the guys friends were running after the car and finally he let me out of the car and he nearly ran me over but I was smart and ran all the way home and sat there waiting untill my mom got home.Luckily my friend Keisha was there and kept me company while my mom ran home.So lesson learned....
November 27,2000
Today I quit dog school,it was soooooo borring,and the teacher would hurt us.Also I got this big squeaky burger that bigger than my head!
July 24,2001
Sorry I havent been updating this but ive been realy busy!!!Ok well heres a summary of stuff Ive done since i last wrote,In Febuary I went to disney!!I had to stay in the hotel room but atleast i had room service.in march i went to universal!(dont tell anyone but my daddy and i were walkin early in the morin and i alound to walk inside the parks by the rides!!)We had a nice resort there it was the hard rock hotel,and why were there the backstreet boys were there(faint)!O ya!i got a chicken toy that was bigger then the burger which was bigger then my head!Thats basically it,but i promise from now on to update this site atleast once a week!
December 2,2001
Today I went to see Santa!He was really freaky.I also took pictures for christmas cards,it was annoying,just sittin lookin all cute,its hard work.Well gotta go for a walk now!bye!
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