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Reference Web Sites

1. Angelfire - Free Home Pages
2. Intelligence, Surveillance and Spies: One Family's Ordeal
3. The Intelligence Community, In Brief
4. Intelligence Community's Secret Surveillance Network

Foreword: During 1975, while living in San Antonio, Texas, and working at Southwest Research Institute(SwRI), the author started encountering sporadic physical surveillance in the workplace and on business trips. In early 1976, the author was contacted by the CIA and asked to assist them in a matter involving a foreign national. (While the author was employed there over the period 1964 to 1978, SwRI performed a lot of classified work for the CIA.) Simultaneous with the CIA's initial visit to the author's home, systematic surveillance on all family members started. Today, after 35 years of persistent surveillance, surveillance is still occurring but at an intensity less than that experienced during the early years. The reprinted letter below, which was sent to Admiral Stansfield Turner, the Director of the CIA, with a copy to President Jimmy Carter, was the author's first attempt to end this illegal surveillance operation being conducted on his family.

Signed Originally: William Albert Hewgley
August 19, 2000

A. Reprinted Letter to Turner and Carter

March 4, 1978

Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director
Central Intelligence Agency
Langley, Virginia

William A. Hewgley
5723 Gillis Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78240

Dear Admiral Turner:

My family is suffering health-wise and in other ways because of more than two years of continuous surveillance by your Agency. As American citizens, I'm sure that you will agree that we are entitled to know the purpose of this surveillance and the estimated date for its termination.

Please advise.

Very truly yours,

William A. Hewgley (Signed)

Copy: President Jimmy Carter
White House
Washington, D.C.

B. Letter Mailing Verifications

1. The Stansfield Turner letter was mailed at the Main U.S.P.O. in San Antonio, Texas, on March 4, 1978 under Registered No. 39250, dated March 4, 1978. A Return Receipt ( PS Form 3811, April 1977) was submitted with the letter.

The Return Receipt, which was subsequently received by the sender, had been properly signed and dated.

2. The Jimmy Carter letter was mailed at the Main U.S.P.O. in San Antonio, Texas, on March 4, 1978 under Registered No. 39251, dated March 4, 1978. A Return Receipt ( PS Form 3811, April 1977) was submitted with the letter.

The Return Receipt, which was subsequently received by the sender, had been properly signed and dated.

C. Replies from Admiral Stansfield Turner and President Jimmy Carter

No replies were ever received by the author.

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William Albert Hewgley
318 Shady Lane
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
Phone and Fax: 865-376-4169
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Click here for personal data on William Albert Hewgley.

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Latest Update: February 15, 2010

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