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I'll Always Be Right There

*I swear to you/ I will always be/ There for you/ There's nothin' I won't do/ I promise you/ All my life I will/ Live for you/ We will make it through/ Forever- we will be/ Together- you and me/ Oh when I hold you/ Nothin' can compare/ With all of my heart you know/ I'll always be right there*

Kylie got out of bed quietly, so as not to wake Howie, and tiptoed to Jake's room. As she stepped into the room she was greeted by the fresh, sweet smell of baby powder. She walked over to the white crib and looked down at the small baby sleeping soundly under the Winnie the Pooh comforter. His warm skin tone, so much like Howie's, stood out against the pristine white of the sheets.
Kylie stood next to his crib and watched him, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath, the dark crescents of his eyelashes against his smooth, soft cheek. She reached down and gently stroked the cap of dark hair on his head. Sometimes she still had to stop and remind herself that she wasn't dreaming. This tiny, perfect little boy was her son. Hers and Howie's. As she gazed down at their son, she remembered what had happened the day she had told Howie they were having a baby.
The pregnancy test she'd taken had only confirmed what she already knew. The tiny spark of life in Kylie's womb was the result of the night they had realized they were much more than friends. She'd been so afraid to tell him; so afraid that he would leave her once he found out. She'd never been so relieved as when she saw the unrestrained happiness in his eyes.

Howie sat on the couch, letting her words sink in. 'I'm going to be a father.' This was a stunning revelation. "We're having a baby." He said softly, more to himself than to Kylie. He got to his feet and walked over to where Kylie was sitting, shoulders still shaking with silent sobs. "Kylie." He whispered.
She turned and looked at him through damp lashes, then fell into his open arms, tears still sliding down her cheeks, making a wet patch on his shoulder. "Howie. I'm scared." She whispered, clinging tightly to him as he caressed her back soothingly.
"I know, sweetie. I know." He murmured, gently brushing strands of her red hair out of her eyes. "But I'll be here. I won't leave you." He paused and kissed her softly on the lips. "When I said that I loved you, I meant it." He gently brushed away the tears that were still clinging to Kylie's cheek and kissed her tenderly.
"I meant it, too." Kylie whispered.
Howie pulled away a little and gently laid his hand over her abdomen. "We're having a baby." His eyes were shining with happiness.

*Eight months in the future*
"It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed triumphantly as Kylie and Howie's son came into the world. "Dad, do you want to cut the cord?" He turned to Howie, who was sitting at Kylie's side, still clutching her hand tightly.
Howie looked at Kylie, who was lying back on the bed, pale and exhausted. She smiled and motioned him to go. Howie got to his feet and proceeded to cut his son's umbilical cord. Then the baby was whisked away to be weighed and assessed.
"Do you have a name?" The doctor asked, looking over at Kylie and Howie, who had returned to his place beside her.
Kylie looked at Howie and he nodded, eyes shining. "Jacob Antony Dorough." Kylie replied, her eyes not leaving Howie's.
The doctor grinned. This couple, although obviously not married yet, was very much in love.

Four days later, after being released from the hospital, little Jacob was introduced to his Backstreet family. He was passed from one honourary uncle or aunt to the other. AJ was the last to hold him. When Kevin gently passed him to AJ, Howie and Kylie looked at each other. Without words they agreed.
"Alex." Kylie spoke up, sitting down next to AJ on the couch. He looked up from his 'nephew' and looked expectantly at Kylie. She smiled at the picture he made holding Jacob, then continued. "Howie and I talked about this and we decided that, if you're okay with it, we want you to be Jacob's godfather. Polly will be his godmother, but we want you to be his godfather."
"Me?" AJ looked stunned. "What about Johnny?" He asked, referring to Howie's older brother. He tossed a look at his best friend.
"We already talked to John." Howie told him. "He agrees with us. So, if you want to be, we want you to be Jacob's godfather."
AJ looked from Howie to Kylie and back again. "Thanks, you guys." He said, a few tears collecting in his eyes. "I'd love to be Jacob's godfather."

*I believe in us/ Nothin' else could ever/ Mean so much/ You're the one I trust/ Our time has come/ We're not two people now/ We are one/ Yeah you're second to none/ Forever- we will be/ Together- a family/ The more I get to know ya/ Nothin' can compare/ With all of my heart you know/ I'll always be right there* *Present*
"Ky." Howie called softly, walking into the room wearing only silk pyjama bottoms. "What are you doing, sweetie?" He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Kylie leaned back into his embrace. "Just watching him. Sometimes I still can't believe he's ours. It still feels like a dream sometimes."
"I know." Howie whispered, reaching down into his pocket to feel the little box he'd placed there. When he'd woken up to an empty bed he had known where she was. On impulse he'd grabbed the box from his night table drawer. When he reached Jacob's room he stood in the doorway for a minute, watching her watching their son and he'd made a decision. He released her, pulled the box from his pocket and sank down on one knee. "Kylie."
She turned away from the crib and saw him kneeling on the floor. A look of shock crossed her face as she caught sight of the jewellery box in his hand.
"Kylie Anne Reed," Howie continued. "I love you with all of my heart. You're my best friend, my lover and the mother of my child." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Will you marry me?" He opened the box in his hands. In it was nestled a simple platinum band with a dark blue sapphire, flanked by two small diamonds.
Kylie looked at the ring in shock, before lifting her eyes to his. She swallowed hard. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." She said, blinking back tears.
Blinking back tears of his own, Howie pulled the ring out of the box and gently slid it onto her finger. He stood up and drew her into his arms, kissing her softly. "I love you." He whispered as he pulled away slightly.
"I love you, too." She said softly, sinking into his arms and resting her head on his shoulder.

*Forever- we will be/ Together- oh just you and me/ The more I get to know ya/ The more I really care/ With all of my heart you know/ I'll always be/ You know I really love you/ Nothin' can compare/ For all of my life you know/ I'll always be right there*

*Song Credit: I'll Always Be Right There by Bryan Adams*

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