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Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know

Julie McAllister shut the door of her condo behind her as she stepped inside.
"Ugh. I need a shower." Julie looked down at her clothes and grimaced. Her long bike ride had left her sweaty and her shoulder-length reddish-brown hair falling out of her ponytail, long strands hanging in her eyes.
Julie pulled off her running shoes and started down the hall to her bedroom. As she was going through her dresser drawers looking for clean clothes, she was surprised to hear her intercom emit a loud buzz.
"Who the hell could that be?" She wondered aloud. She wasn't expecting anyone. "Hello?" She asked, pressing the talk button.
"Julie?" A familiar male voice came through the speaker.
"Howie?" Julie asked, completely surprised. "When did you get home?" She asked her best friend.
"Just got in a few hours ago." Howie told her.
"Oh man. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed today, am I? Here I am talking to you through the damn intercom. Come in, 'kay?" She said sheepishly. She could hear Howie chuckling as she pushed the button to unlock the door and let him into the building.
A couple minutes later there was a quiet knock on the door. Julie unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. She grinned at the sight of her best friend. "Hey. Long time, no see!"
"No kidding." Howie smiled his trademark grin. He moved to hug her.
"You might wanna wait on that. I just got back from a bike ride." Julie warned.
"I don't care. I missed you, Jules." Howie said, embracing her. 'More than you know.' He thought to himself.
'Oh my god. He smells so good.' Julie thought, as the intense feelings she had tried for years to suppress flooded through her. With a soft sigh she pulled away. "Well, if you want to hang around for awhile while I have a shower we could go do something." She suggested.
"Sure." Howie readily agreed, trying desperately to push thoughts of her in the shower out of his mind.
"Okay, so I'm going to go have that shower. I feel gross." Julie looked down at her clothes and grimaced again.
Howie looked her up at down, taking in her black Umbro shorts, royal blue tank top over a black sports bra and reddish-brown hair hanging in her beautiful blue eyes. "You don't look anywhere near that bad." He protested. "Now get a move on." He ordered.
"Alright, alright." Julie grinned. "Keep your pants on." She said with a smirk. 'Or don't, I won't mind.' She thought wickedly, a flush colouring her cheeks slightly. "I won't be long." She said, as she walked into her room, grabbed her clean clothes and went into the bathroom. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. She shut the bathroom door, leaving it unlocked, peeled off her dirty clothes and stepped into the shower.

Howie sat in Julie's living room, lost in thought. While he'd been gone on tour this time the thoughts that had been most prevalent in his mind had been of Julie. As much as he'd tried to fight his feelings, he was falling in love with his best friend. Restless, he got to his feet and wandered down the hall, looking at the pictures Julie had hung on her walls. There were pictures of her family, and of the two of them together, dating back to when they were in elementary school.
Her bedroom door was open and he stepped into the room. He could hear the shower running and Julie singing her favourite song, 'Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know'. Howie leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door and listened to her sing. After a minute he moved away from the wall and quietly opened the bathroom door. He stepped into the room and looked up to see Julie's body silhouetted in the shower door as she rinsed shampoo from her hair. Howie swallowed hard and slipped out of his clothes. He slid the shower door open and stepped into the stall.

Julie gasped as she felt strong arms slide around her waist and a pair of warm lips caress her shoulder.
"Julie." Howie murmured, kissing her neck.
She turned around to face him, his arms still wrapped around her. "Howie." She whispered, not at all embarrassed at seeing him in all his glory, as she slipped her arms around his neck. Their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. They pulled apart and their eyes met. Howie's hand left her waist and he gently caressed her cheek. He bent his head and pressed his lips to hers again. The kiss was now deep and passionate. After a few minutes Howie's lips left hers and began trailing soft kisses down her throat. Julie caught her breath and she ran her fingers through his wet curls, the water still pouring down on them.
Spying her Healing Garden Jasminetherapy shower gel and sponge, Julie smiled and reached for both objects. Feeling her movement, Howie pulled away slightly and watched as she poured a small amount of shower gel onto the sponge. Holding the sponge under the shower spray, she created some lather and turned back to Howie. Eyes dark blue with desire, she looked up at him, then began to wash the smooth skin of his chest. Howie's eyes were smouldering, the intoxicating scent of jasmine made even more potent as he watched her glide the sponge over his chest, suds sliding down his body. After she was done washing him he took the sponge from her and poured some more shower gel on it; it was his turn now. He ran the sponge up one arm, across her upper chest and down the other arm, watching the suds sluice down the valley between her breasts. Silently he turned her around, gently caressing her back with the sponge. All at once he abandoned the sponge, turning her around and pulling her back against his body, his hands coming up to cup her breasts.
"Howie." She moaned softly as his fingers brushed over her erect nipples.
He bent his head and kissed her, the kiss becoming more urgent with each passing second. "Julie." He murmured against her lips. "Let's go to your room." His voice was husky as he fought to keep control, not wanting to rush their time together.
Without a word, Julie shut off the water and slid open the shower door. She stepped out, followed closely by Howie, and grabbed a clean towel from the rack. He took the towel from her hands, unfolding it and wrapping it around her dripping body, then carefully drying her skin. Taking another towel, she did the same to him until he, too, was dried off. She gasped as he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom, leaving the towels on the bathroom floor.
Howie gently laid her down on her bed, lying down next to her and covering her body with his. He caught her lips with his, kissing her with a passion and urgency he had never felt before. His fingers trailed over the soft skin of her breasts, making her gasp at the sensations that ran through her at his touch. He bent his head and captured one hard nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue, while continuing to caress the other with his hand. Her breathing became erratic and she could feel him, hot and hard, pressing against her thigh.
"Howie." She gasped, unable to stand the sweet torture any longer. "Make love to me."
"Julie." He breathed. "Are you absolutely sure?" He asked, not wanting to ruin their friendship.
"Yes." Julie whispered, making sure she kept the slight fear and nervousness out of her eyes. Unbeknownst to Howie, she had never slept with a man before. She reached into her night table drawer and took out a condom, which she handed to him. "I'm sure."
He looked steadily into her eyes for a minute, then nodded, taking the packet and unwrapping it. Quickly he unrolled in onto his erection and gently spread her legs, touching and caressing her, making sure she was ready for him. He knelt between her legs and gently pressed into her warmth. He took his time, letting her body get used to his size. He looked up at her in shock as he felt the barrier give way. Her eyes were closed tightly, a single tear slowly trickling down her cheek.
"Julie? Why...?" He only got a few words out before she stopped him, putting a finger to his lips.
"Howie. Make love to me." She whispered, kissing him softly on the lips. "Please."
He looked her in the eyes, then kissed her tenderly, as he started to move slowly and gently inside her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling his body as close as she possibly could. As Howie got closer to his release he moved faster, kissing Julie's lips urgently. Julie's breath caught in her throat as she felt the first waves of pleasure rush over her. She clung to Howie, her inner walls grasping him, pulling him with her into the intense wave of pleasure. His body stiffened as he spilled into the condom. He pulled out of her body, removing the condom and tossing it into the garbage beside the night table. With a sigh he laid down next to her, his face buried in the crook of her neck and caught his breath.
Julie closed her eyes, savouring the feeling of being in his arms. She stroked his damp hair gently, lovingly.
"Julie. Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?" Howie asked softly, lifting his face from the crook of her neck.
"You never asked." She whispered.
"Why me? Why not some other guy?" He wondered aloud.
Julie moved so they were face to face, touching his lips gently. "I never wanted any other guy. I wanted you." She murmured quietly. "I love you. I've loved you since I was 9 years old."
Howie looked at her in astonishment. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked, his eyes searching hers.
"I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same. Scared that if I told you it would ruin our friendship." She whispered.
Howie pulled her into his arms, kissing her for all he was worth. "Julie. I love you." He whispered against her lips, then kissed her again. "I realized that while I was away." His voice soft and filled with love. "I missed you so much. I couldn't wait to get home, so I could see you.” He kissed her lips tenderly, gently caressing her cheek. "I love you, Julie McAllister."
"I love you, Howard." She whispered, curling up against his chest and closing her eyes. "I love you."

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