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Chapter 7
Howie shut the door quietly behind them, then turned to watch as Camille set her backpack and purse down on a chair and laid her jacket on top of them. He walked over to her and slid his arms around her. She sighed and leaned back against his chest. She turned her head and was met by his warm, soft lips kissing hers tenderly. Turning in his arms, her lips never leaving his, she faced him, pressing her body tightly against his, her fingers caught in his soft, silky curls, urging his mouth closer.
"Camille." He breathed against her lips, pulling away slightly. He cupped her cheek in his hand, gently stroking with his thumb. "I think... I'm falling in love with you."
"Howie." She whispered. "I know I am." She reached up and kissed him softly. "Make love to me."
With a soft groan, Howie pressed his lips to hers again, kissing her deeply and thoroughly, making her head spin. Slowly his mouth left hers, kissing her forehead, her cheeks and along her jaw before trailing down her throat. Her knees went weak when his lips brushed over a sensitive area and his arms tightened around her, before he lifted her from the floor into his arms. He cradled her to his chest as he walked the few steps to the bed and gently set her down, kissing her lips once more before resuming where he'd left off. He lay down next to her, half covering her body with his.
Howie's lips caressed Camille's shoulder and he gently nudged the strap of her tank top out of the way. He supported most of his weight on one hand while the other drifted to her waist, caressing the patch of bare skin between her shirt and jeans. Camille's hands caught in his dark curls, guiding him back up to her lips. When his lips were pressed firmly against hers again her hands drifted down his back, catching hold of his shirt and untucking it from his pants. She needed to touch him; to feel his warm, bare skin against hers. He pulled away from her lips long enough to yank the offending garment off and toss it to the floor.
Camille gently pushed him back onto the bed and moved so she was straddling his hips. She could feel his arousal pressing against the front of his pants. Quickly she pulled off her metallic blue tank top and dropped it over the side of the bed. It landed on the floor next to Howie's abandoned t-shirt. Howie's eyes widened when he realized she had gone commando under her tank top.
"Oh my god. Camille." He breathed. "You're so beautiful." He reached up and pulled her down to his lips, the intensity of the kiss making her moan softly.
Pulling away slightly, Camille ran her hands lovingly down his bare chest and stomach, feeling his muscles tighten as her hands ran over his smooth skin. She bent her head and trailed soft kisses down his throat, his shoulders and across his chest. She continued down his sculpted stomach to the waist of his pants. She unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, slowly sliding the zipper down. Taking hold of his pants, she gently tugged them down his lean hips and down his legs until they were off, tossing them onto the floor to join the rest of their clothing. His rock hard erection created a tent in the front of his black silk boxers.
Knowing she was quickly losing control of her senses, Camille got to her feet and walked over to the chair where her purse sat. She picked it up and opened it, searching for the condom Jordan had given her earlier that night. Finding it, she pulled it out and walked back to the bed, slipping out of her shiny black jeans before climbing back up next to Howie.
"I didn't know whether you... Jordan gave me this is case you..." Camille trailed off, blushing, handing Howie the condom.
He took it and pulled Camille down for a soft kiss. "Tell Jordan thanks, 'cause I don't have any. I didn't even think of that." He whispered, placing the condom on the night table until it was time. He pulled her close to him, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss, his hands sliding around to caress her bare back.
Howie gently rolled Camille onto her back, once more kissing his way down her throat. His hands brushed over her breasts, her nipples hardening beneath his fingers. She gasped and her fingers tangled in his soft curls when his mouth found her nipple, taking it inside and caressing it with his tongue. He paid the same careful attention to the other before continuing his way down her flat stomach. When he reached the waist of her black satin panties he looked up at her face, silently asking if she wanted him to continue. She nodded and he carefully slipped her panties down her legs, leaving her completely exposed.
He moved back up until they were face to face and kissed her passionately, while gently spreading her legs with his hand. She arched against him as his fingers slipped along her wet slit, teasing her clit with soft touches.
"Howie!" She gasped, pressing herself urgently against his hand.
Knowing she was ready for him, Howie removed his hand and reached for the condom, sliding out of his boxers. He unwrapped the foil package and unrolled the condom onto his throbbing penis. He positioned himself between her legs, the tip of his erection teasing her entrance.
"Camille. Just relax, baby." He whispered, kissing her softly. "We'll go slow." Gently, he slid the tip of his hardness inside her waiting body. Slowly, stopping every inch or so to allow her to get used to him, he slid inside, groaning softly at the feeling of her warm, wet body clasped around him. "Okay?" He asked, afraid he'd hurt her.
"Yeah." She breathed, feeling a bit of pain, but loving the feeling of being completely filled by him.
Slowly he started to move, kissing her lips urgently, yet tenderly as their bodies moved in synch. Camille clutched his back, pulling his body as close as possible. Deliberately, Howie began to move faster inside her, feeling her inner muscles begin to contract around him. His pace quickened as he felt his own release approach.
"Howie. Oh god. Howie!" Camille cried out his name as waves of pleasure and fulfilment began to crash over her. Her inner muscles gripped him and he poured himself into the condom. He withdrew from her body and collapsed next to her, her arms still clasped around him. They lay there for several minutes, catching their breaths, their bodies covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
Still breathing erratically, Howie rolled over, removing the condom and dropping it into the garbage can next to the bedside table, then returned to Camille. He pulled the bedcover over their naked bodies and wrapped his arms around her, softly kissing her swollen lips. Pulling away slightly he brushed the damp curls off her forehead.
"What's this?" Howie asked, fingering the silver pendant on a chain around her neck.
"It's a Chinese symbol for love." Camille whispered. "I always wear it." She pulled him down for a kiss. "I guess it finally worked."
"What do you mean?" Howie asked, his forehead creasing in confusion.
"It's supposed to bring good luck in love." She explained. "And I was wearing it when I met you."
Howie smiled and kissed her lips tenderly. "I love you, Camille." He whispered.
"I love you, too." She said softly, tears of happiness filling her eyes.
He laid back on the bed and she curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

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