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Chapter 14

"Where've you two been?" Kevin asked as he opened the door of his room.
"Yeah! Where the heck did you go, Cait? I was looking for ya!" Anna questioned.
"Sorry guys, we went to a concert." Howie explained.
"A concert?" AJ made a face. "What kind of concert?"
"An a capella concert."
"What?!!!!" Anna exclaimed. "You went to see 'Nix and you didn't take me?!"
"What on earth are you talking about, girl?" AJ looked extremely confused.
"Cait went to see friends of ours from Saskatoon who are in an a capella singing group. They're called Streetnix." She pouted. "And she didn't take me!"
AJ nodded, a little less confused.
"So you went to see an a capella singing group that you two know?" He asked, in an attempt to clarify what happened.
"Yeah." Cait smiled. "It was so good to see them again." She giggled. "Thom knocked his chair over 'cause he got up so fast when I went to talk to him. He squeezed all the air out of my lungs, as usual!"
"Man! He's got the worst habit of doing that." Anna laughed.
"So how come you never told me about these friends of yours, huh?" AJ asked.
Anna frowned.
"I don't know. I guess it just never came up."
"It totally slipped my mind until I saw the ad for their show in North Van." Cait looked sheepish. "I haven't even written to Tony or anyone else. They were so surprised to see me. Tony asked me what the heck I was doing there." She dissolved into laughter. "You should have seen the look on Aaron's face when he saw Howie."
"Star-struck much?" Anna grinned.
"Totally. He kept opening and closing his mouth, but nothing was coming out."
"So how are they all?" Anna inquired.
"Good. I promised to keep in touch better than I have been. And I said we'd try and see them again soon."
"That's good. You better not leave me at home next time!" Anna glared at Cait.
"I won't, I won't!" Cait promised.

Cait and Howie were lying in Howie's bunk on the bus as it drove from Vancouver towards Tacoma, Washington, where they had a show the next night. Cait was cuddled up next to him with her head resting on his chest.
"It's hard to believe that this tour is almost over already." Howie said quietly, since the rest of the boys and Anna were all asleep. "I think this is the fastest a tour has ever gone."
"I know what you mean." Cait sighed. "It seems like yesterday that Anna and I were getting ready to come see the show in Toronto. It's funny. It went so fast, but a lot has happened."
"That's an understatement!" Howie laughed softly. "I met you and fell in love with you, but listened to my head instead of my heart. Thank heaven for ice skating." He smiled at the memory, hugging her closer and gently kissing her forehead.
Cait smiled and looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her softly.
"I love you, Caitlyn." He murmured softly.
"I love you, Howard." She whispered as their lips met again.

(I know this chapter's kinda short... having a little prob with writers' block at the moment. Hopefully I'll be over that soon!)

Chapter 15

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