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Chapter 9

Across the hall in AJ and Anna's room they were getting pretty hot and heavy. AJ trailed kisses over her face and neck.
"Anna? I think we should stop, before we do something we'll regret."
"Would you regret it if we didn't stop?" Anna asked softly.
"No, haven't...been with anyone..."
"AJ." She stopped him, placing a finger to his lips. "I love you. And I would never regret sleeping with the man I love." She stroked his cheek and gently kissed him.
"I love you, too, Anna. I love you so much." He ran his hand through her hair. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." Her voice was soft. "I'm sure."
His lips came down on hers, soft and sweet. She parted her lips, letting him slip his tongue into her mouth. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, becoming more and more passionate. AJ's hands caressed her back, making her shiver in anticipation. He slipped his hands inside her shirt, feeling her soft skin.
"AJ." She gasped as an intense heat began to fill her body.
Gently he slipped off her shirt, letting it slip to the floor, as he kissed her newly explosed flesh. He groaned as her hand brushed against the bulge in his pants. Anna's hands slid up his back, and pulled his shirt off, tossing it onto the floor. Sighing she ran her hands up his bare chest and stomach, raining kisses on his face. He moved his hands to her waist and began to unbutton her jeans, as she slipped her hands in the waistband of his. They pulled away from each other long enough to slip out of their jeans, leaving them in only their underwear.
"I love you, AJ." Anna whispered, as he carefully unhooked her bra.
"I love you with all my heart." He kissed her gently as he dropped her bra on the ground.
He trailed soft kisses lightly over her throat and on her breasts, caressing her skin gently. She arched against him, moaning softly. Anna started kissing and licking her way down his chest and stomach to his boxers, which were beginning to feel very tight. He groaned as she slipped her hand inside his boxers and felt his erection. He quickly slipped out of them, and gently slid her panties down her legs and dropped them on the floor, to join the rest of their clothing. Slowly he slipped his finger inside her, caressing her gently.
"AJ!" She gasped, and her hips rocked towards him. Carefully he slipped his hand out of her and positioned himself. Slowly, gently he slipped inside her. She stiffened for a moment, then relaxed as he began to move, slowly at first, then faster, still very gentle. Slowly they began to move as one, lost in their intense emotions.
As she watched him moving above her, she felt like her heart would burst. She loved him so much. Suddenly, the world seemed to explode in a shower of sparks. She felt him tense, then relaxed against her.
"I love you." He whispered, pulling her to him and gently kissing her lips.
"I love you, too." She cuddled closer as they both drifted to sleep.

"Ugh. This movie creeps me out." Cait shivered and snuggled closer to Howie. "I'm gonna have nightmares, I know it."
They were curled up in bed, watching 'The Ghost and the Darkness'.
"Then I guess it's good you're staying with me tonight, huh?" Howie grinned.
"Very. Maybe I won't have nightmares if I'm here with you." Cait smiled as he leaned down and softly kissed her. She curved her hand around his neck, deepening the kiss. When they finally broke apart, both were slightly breathless.
"No, I don't think I'll have nightmares tonight." Cait sighed as she cuddled even closer.
They continued watching the movie, until Howie noticed Cait had fallen asleep. Quietly, he turned off the TV and turned out the lights. He gently laid a kiss on her lips and closed his eyes.

Chapter 10

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