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Chapter 5

'This can't be real.' Brenna thought as she sat on the lounge chair, looking up at the stars, wrapped tightly in Howie's arms. She gave a contented sigh and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of Howie's cologne.
"Are you okay? Is anything wrong?" Howie asked, concerned.
"No. For once in my life, everything is perfect." She turned slightly and looked up at him, smiling softly. He smiled and bent his head, kissing her lips tenderly. "I know what you mean." He said against her lips. "It's almost as if the rest of the world didn't exist any more." He kissed her again, while running his fingers through her hair.
Brenna shivered as a cool breeze blew off the ocean.
"Are you cold?" Howie asked, pulling her closer.
"A little." Brenna admitted. Howie slipped out of his jacket and draped it around her shoulders.
"Better?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her again.
"Much. Thanks." She said softly, enjoying the security of his strong arms. Suddenly she began to laugh softly.
"What's so funny?" Howie whispered in her ear, causing her to catch her breath at the shivers that ran down her spine.
"This is the last thing I ever expected to happen when I decided to come on this cruise." She replied. "The absolute last thing."
Howie chuckled softly. "I know what you mean. I never expected something like this to happen on this cruise. It really wasn't my idea to come. AJ practically had to drag me. But I'm glad I did come."
"I'm glad you did, too. I've been so lonely the past few days." Brenna murmured.
"But you're not any more, are you?" Howie asked, hopefully.
"No. Now everything's perfect." She sighed softly. "It's getting pretty late. I guess we should go."
Howie sighed, reluctantly unwrapping his arms from around her. "As much as I hate to admit it, we really should go. It's getting kinda cold out here, anyway. Let's go." They got to their feet and Brenna slipped her hand in his and they started on their way to her cabin.

"I had a great time tonight." Howie said softly when they reached Brenna's cabin.
"Me, too." She smiled, her eyes locking with his once again.
"Brenna." Howie whispered, breaking the silence. Brenna moved closer, sliding her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly. After a while they pulled apart slightly, both breathing unevenly.
"Howie." Brenna breathed. "Would you stay here... with me? Not do anything... just stay with me tonight?"
"Of course." He answered softly. "I'll just go and get a few things from my cabin and I'll be back, okay?"
"Fine." She kissed him again and watched as he walked down the hall.

"Hey man, how was your date?" AJ asked as Howie stepped into the cabin they shared.
"It's going great. Brenna is... amazing." He replied, pulling a t-shirt and jeans out of his suitcase and stuffing them into a back pack before walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
"Going? You mean it's not over yet?" AJ looked surprised. "It's late, man."
"I know. I'm going back to Brenna's cabin." Howie answered from the bathroom.
"What?! You're spending the night with a girl you just met this morning?!"
"Not the way you're thinking, AJ." Howie shot back as he stepped back into the room. "Put it this way, an hour ago, I gave Brenna her first kiss."
"She's a virgin? And she's how old?"
"She's 22." Howie replied. "She's never had a boy friend because she was always too focused on school and figure skating. I'm not about to take advantage of her. I really like this girl, AJ."
"Obviously. So when do I get to meet Ms. Wonderful?"
"Why don't you meet us for break fast?"
"Sure. Why not?" AJ grinned. "What time?"
"Say about 10:30 in the little restaurant by the pool."
"Sounds good. See ya then."
"Yep." Howie opened the door. "Later, man." He called, shutting the door behind him.

Chapter 6

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