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Keep On Loving You

*Should have seen/By the look in my eyes baby/There was something missing/You should have known /By the tone in my voice/But you didn't listen/You played dead/But you never bled/Instead you lay still in the grass/All coiled up and hissing*

Kylie Reed looked down sadly at the test in her hand as a tear slowly made its way down her cheek. The test had just confirmed what she already knew in her heart. She was pregnant. With her best friend's baby. With Howie Dorough's baby.
"Damnit." She cursed aloud. "I'm so stupid. I swore I would never let this happen to me and what have I done?"
Tears filled her blue eyes and she sank to her knees in the middle of her living room, sobs shaking her slight form. 'How am I going to tell Howie?' She wondered to herself. 'How?'

*And though I know/All about those girls/Still I don't remember/'Cause it was us/Baby way before that/ And we're still together*

Half an hour later she had finally stopped crying. She wiped away the tears and picked up the phone, hitting #1 on the speed dial; Howie's number. The phone rang twice before it was picked up.
"Hello?" Asked a female voice with a light Spanish accent. It was Howie's mother.
"Hi, Paula. It's Kylie, is Howard there?" Kylie asked, fighting to keep her voice even.
"I'm sorry, m'ija, he's not here right now."
"Okay. Um, could you ask him to come over to my house when he gets in? It's very important." Kylie explained.
"Of course, m'ija."
Kylie thanked her, said goodbye and hung up the phone. Now all she could do was wait.

*And I meant/Every word I said/When I said that I loved you/I meant/That I'd love you forever*

Almost two hours later the intercom emitted a loud buzz. Wearily, Kylie got to her feet and walked over, swallowing hard before hitting the talk button.
"Hello." She managed to choke out.
"Kylie, it's me." Howie's voice came through the speakers, causing tears to well up in Kylie's eyes once again.
"Come in." She forced out, pressing the button that unlocked the front door of her building. She released the button and unlocked her front door before returning to the living room to wait. A few minutes later there was a light knock on her door.
"Come in." She called, once again fighting to keep her voice from shaking. The door opened and Howie stepped inside.
"Ky? Where are you?" He called.
"In here." She called, as tears filled her eyes. 'How do I tell him this?' She thought to herself.
"Kylie." Howie said as he caught sight of her, sitting on the couch. "What's wrong? My mom said it was important." He stopped in front of her, a concerned frown on his face. Finally Kylie looked up from the pillow she was holding. Howie's eyes widened as he caught sight of her red-rimmed eyes and tear stained face. "Oh god. Kylie, please tell me what's wrong." He sat down next to her and gently took her hands in his.
Through her tears Kylie looked at him, his deep brown eyes filled with concern. "Howie, I... don't know how..." She struggled to tell him. She pulled her hands from his and got to her feet, tears overflowing and slipping silently down her cheeks.
"Ky, you can tell me. What ever it is." Howie reached for her hand but she pulled away.
"Howie." Kylie swallowed hard, trying desperately to get rid of the lump in her throat. "I... I'm pregnant." She whispered, more tears pooling in her blue eyes and streaming down her cheeks. She turned to look at Howie. He was sitting on the couch, a stunned look on his face.
"What?" He asked, his voice soft.
"I'm pregnant." Kylie repeated, her voice cracking slightly. She sank down to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest and let the tears flow.
Howie sat on the couch, letting her words sink in. 'I'm going to be a father.' This was a stunning revelation. "We're having a baby." He said softly, more to himself than to Kylie. He got to his feet and walked over to where Kylie was sitting, shoulders still shaking with silent sobs. "Kylie." He whispered.
She turned and looked at him through damp lashes, then fell into his open arms, tears still sliding down her cheeks, making a wet patch on his shoulder. "Howie. I'm scared." She whispered, clinging tightly to him as he caressed her back soothingly.
"I know, sweetie. I know." He murmured, gently brushing strands of her red hair out of her eyes. "But I'll be here. I won't leave you." He paused and kissed her softly on the lips. "When I said that I loved you, I meant it." He gently brushed away the tears that were still clinging to Kylie's cheek and kissed her tenderly.
"I meant it, too." Kylie whispered.
Howie pulled away a little and gently laid his hand over her abdomen. "We're having a baby." His eyes were shining with happiness.
"Yes, we are." Kylie smiled, relief washing over her. She placed her hand over his and softly kissed his lips. "I love you, Howard Dorough."
"And I love you, Kylie Reed."

*And I'm gonna keep on loving you/'Cause it's the only thing/I wanna do/I don't wanna sleep/ I just wanna keep on loving you*
*Song credit: Keep On Loving You (I have no idea who sang this song originally, but The Donnas do a kick ass version)*

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