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Chapter 4

Some two hours later, Howie pulled his car into Rhiannon's driveway and parked behind Kevin's rental. Rhiannon's left wrist was in a cast and her forehead was stitched and covered with a bandage.
The police officer had questioned them both at length about the incident with David. There was now a restraining order in effect that stated David was not permitted within 500 feet of both Rhiannon and Shane at any time. And Howie would take her to a lawyer the next day to file for divorce.
Still, Rhiannon was nervous, knowing exactly how David would react when he found out. As Howie got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to help her out, she shuddered involuntarily. She knew the problems with David weren't over yet.
Howie opened the car door and carefully helped Rhiannon out of the vehicle. He slid a supporting arm around her waist and they walked slowly up the walk. As they reached the door it was opened by Kevin, Nick, with Shane in his arms, close behind.
"Mommy!" The little boy squirmed until Nick put him down. He squeezed between Kevin and the doorframe, anxious to see that his mom was okay. Kevin helped Rhiannon into the house while Howie caught the excited little boy.
"Whoa, take it easy, buddy." Howie picked him up and hugged him affectionately. "Your mom's okay. She just needs some rest."
"Really?" Shane asked anxiously.
"Really." Howie replied. "Everything's okay." Satisfied with Howie's answer, the tired little boy rested his head on Howie's shoulder and closed his eyes. Kevin and Nick helped Rhiannon climb the stairs, Howie following with the sleepy little boy. Once upstairs, Nick helped Rhiannon settle on the couch. The mess in the living room long since cleaned up by Kevin.
"Rhi?" Howie said softly, so as not to disturb Shane. "He's pretty much asleep. I'm going to put him to bed and I'll be right back." He bent down and softly kissed her lips, then quietly walked down the hall with the sleeping boy.
Kevin and Nick gaped at Rhiannon, obvious shock on their faces. "He finally told you?" Nick finally managed to choke out.
"That he loves me?" Rhiannon asked. Kevin nodded wordlessly. "Yes, he told me." Rhiannon blushed slightly. "I never knew." She whispered.
"He's a great one for keeping secrets." Kevin remarked.
"I wish he'd told me." Rhiannon said softly.

Down the hall, Howie changed Shane into his pajamas, careful not to wake him. When he had finished he tucked the little boy in his bed, gently brushing the dark ringlets off his forehead. He sat looking down at the little boy for a few more minutes, before softly kissing his forehead. Then he got to his feet and walked to the door, clicking off the overhead light, but leaving Shane's Winnie-the-Pooh nightlight on. At the doorway he stopped for a second and turned back to the bed.
"I love you, buddy." He whispered.
As he turned to leave he heard the little boy murmur, "Love you, Daddy."
Howie was shocked and tears sprang to his eyes. Shane had called him Daddy. He had never called David that. Howie blinked back his tears and stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him, but leaving it open a crack, so light from the hallway poured into Shane's room. With one last glance at the room, he made his way back down the hall to the living room.

Father's a name you haven't earned yet
You're just a child with a temper
Haven't you heard "don't hit a lady"
Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure

Rhiannon looked up with a soft smile on her face when Howie came back into the room. When his eyes met hers his face brightened. He walked over to the couch and sat down next to her, gently wrapping his arms around her shoulders. In response she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, drawing comfort from his closeness.
All four sat in silence, exhausted by all that had happened that night. Just as Howie was wondering whether he should tell Rhiannon that Shane had called him Daddy, they all heard the sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway. Howie felt Rhiannon tense in his arms, then begin to shiver uncontrollably.
"It's David." She whispered, fear evident in her voice.
Kevin and Nick got to their feet, the anger in their eyes showing they were more than ready to show David what they thought of him. They tensed as the front door banged open and David stomped up the stairs and into the room. He stopped as he caught sight of Nick and Kevin glaring at him and Howie sitting on the couch next to Rhiannon, a protective arm around her. Rhiannon got to her feet, swallowing hard, steeled by the support of Howie's arm around her waist.
"David, you have to leave. I got a restraining order. Unless you want to be arrested, I suggest you leave, now." Her voice was cool and calm, but inside she was shaking.
"What?" David growled, taking a step forward before Kevin did the same and leveled cold green eyes at him. Nervously David backed away.
"I got a restraining order." Rhiannon repeated. "I'm filing for divorce tomorrow."
"What about my son?"
"He's not your son!" Rhiannon hissed. "And you know it! He's not yours and you never earned the right to even be called his stepfather!"
Nick and Kevin exchanged shocked looks, then glanced at Howie, their surprise mirrored in his face.
"You bitch!" David started to walk over to her, but Howie moved into his way, his eyes black and glittering with anger.
"I would like nothing more than to beat your worthless ass into the ground." Howie's voice was like ice, laced with hatred. "Don't tempt me."
"That goes for us, too." Kevin and Nick stood next to Howie, impassive.
"Leave, before I call the police." Howie finished, eyes narrowed.
Howie and David stood eye to eye for several long moments before cowardice won out and David turned and thumped down the stairs, knocking pictures off the wall as he went.

Chapter 5

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Song Credit: Never Again ~ Nickelback
(Lyrics by Chad Kroeger; Music by Nickelback)