Welcome to the [0sk0] Member page This is the list of my members including me [0sk0]matt from highest power to the lowest there well be more [0sk0] members but for now this is all i have done. Any questions about joining AIM me at Matthewmglej.
This is writing about are clan.
Hey the list are rank are in the following [0sk0]matt it the prime minster [0sk0]Jarek and [0sk0] chad are my minsters they well help out they may help out the clan finacialy. [0sk0]Trigga-man Is my well trusted [0sk0] member he is my high console His two consoler are [0sk0]Payne22 and [0sk0]Shad the Sk8er. Next is my also well trust member [0sk0]Sting-ray(H.W) he is my High Command His two Commanders are [0sk0]Stoned_Charlie and [0sk0]Bob[the]Banker
Well that is the list of my clan members more well be add soon people have just been waiting for the list so well here is the basic list.