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This is An American Malfunction...

vocals, guitar, bass
- Chris is an aries. He enjoys sex, drugs, and rock and roll. He lives it up pretty much all the time. So, if you have a party for him, don't be afraid to talk to us after a show.

vocals, guitar, bass
- jake pretty much plays it cool and hangs out....... he is single right now....... ladies........ feel free to ask for his #

- craig is a midget .....he's 15 years old......a freshman at that......craig is a good guy....our "front man" a respectable drummer too......craig is single and ready to party.....

vocals, guitar, bass
- Info Pending -

an american malfunction started in aaron peano's basement about 8 months ago when him, craig, and chris decided to start another band.........cheff was still involved with the punk band milton.........who were on the verge of breaking up. as a final touch to the band we added mike stone on bass..........we placed 3rd in baraga's battle of the bands...... and everything seemed to be perfect ..........but then mike decided this band was no longer for him.....and moved onto other things like sitting around with his girlfriend's brother all day i dunno what to say about mike........but our band was soon brought to a new level when we were joined by jake wilkanson....... so finally we are complete.........we are an american malfunction!

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© 2002 7 INch Records