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Credit: Kathy N.

You Know You're an Apoloholic If...

The word "definitely" is a major part of your vocabulary.
You set your alarm clock for odd times of the night to watch shows he's on.
You find yourself biting your lips and wearing bandanas.
You have ever taken a picture with a "soul patch" on. You think Apolo with two l's (Apollo) looks weird. You want to learn Japanese, even though you're not sure if he speaks any.
You have a tape labeled "Apolo" and nothing else.
You have an entire section on your computer for Apolo pictures, articles, video files, etc.
You've been through over 100 magazines looking for a "Swoosh" ad.
Your computer desktop is ALL Apolo--wallpaper, screensaver, icons, etc.
You want Katie Couric's job.
You want to go to Seattle just to get your hair cut. You draw Olympic rings on everything.
You laugh every time someone says "Oh, no".
Your favorite number is 369, 149, or some number with "9" in it.
You have ever spent $3 dollars for only four paragraphs.
You always use "you know" between 2-3 words.
You looked for hours on the net trying to find a video interview with Apolo and Katie.
You actually sat through an hour of QVC to gawk at Apolo.
Your AIM Icon has Apolo on it (btw, there are some on this site)
You check for new info, pics, articles, and video on the internet more than 2 times a day.
You buy a $150 pair of Mojo sunglasses from the Sunglass Hut because Apolo styles them.
You catch yourself saying "for sure."
You stay late up night to search for different sites for Apolo.
You want to have a copy or trade tapes of Apolo from friends in the internet and don't care how much it costs.
You have pictures of him all over your walls.
You are so dismayed if you found out that Apolo is not on TV.
You have pictures of Apolo from newspaper clippings.
You want to learn or try break dancing cuz you know Apolo dances it.
You found yourself wearing a bandana and imagined it actually looked good on you.
You have something to do with Apolo written on everything you own.
You talk to your friends about Apolo and they look at you strangely and say "whatever...the Olympics are over!"
You find yourself pushing your hair out of your face w/ your hand, even though your hair is already pulled back.
You have a collage of him all over your assignment book...