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Apolo Anton Ohno Studio Awards
Scroll the page down to see the awards I have won

AAO Studio has made this awards so the webmasters can show in their sites 'a medal' won because their hard work. The reason for this award is because I think that all the Apolo Ohno's fan sites are the best. If you want to win one of the awards, please send your name, site title, site URL, and e-mail. Be sure that your site must be an active site, non-updated site is not allowed to win the award. Here are some example of the awards:

* The original award is 60 x 200

Here are the Award Winners List

Gold Award:

+ Apolo Heaven +
Webmaster: Remynelle

+ Hooray for Ohno +
Webmaster: Justine

+ Ohno +
Webmasters: Aissa & Trinnah

+ Apolo Anton Ohno Fan Fiction +
Webmaster: Stacy

+ Only Ohno +
Webmaster: Nikki

+ OHNO-holics +
Webmaster: Valerie

+ APOLOgize +
Webmaster: Vicky

Silver Award:

+ All American Apolo +
Webmaster: Victoria

+ Apolo Anton Ohno +
Webmaster: Lindsey

+ Soul Patch Mystique +
Webmaster: Hannah

Bronze Award:

+ Joanna Sutphin's Apolo Page +
Webamster: Joanna

Outstanding Award:

+ Apolo Anton Ohno's First Fan Site +
Webmaster: Navjot

+ Only Apolo +
Webmaster: Kimberly

Apolo Anton Ohno Studio's Awards

I want to thank all the people that think my site is good enough to win their award.
I really appreciate it.