
- 12/3: The site is finally up and running and everything is working...kinda. The rest of the lyrics should be up shortly. A show page will also be up soon, which will include a show that's gonna happen in Ross's backyard sometime soon. Check back for updates. Also, if you find anything that doesn't work or if you have any questions or comments, e-mail the band and somebody will get back to you. ~craig
- 12/4: The lyrics are now finished and a shows page and a pictures page were added. I could only add 3 pictures per page though, so I'm probably going to have to make about 20 picture pages. Oh well, what are you gonna do? Again, any suggestions to make the site better, just give us an e-mail. ~craig
- 12/4: Anti Common cold site: A crock of shit! Nick Chomut the webmaster eats it, Jon Ron Bassoon;Ravenous Raccoon Platoon is not better than us considering they have no drummer, Despite what you may have heard pat klebaur is not thier drummer!, Phil can play drums now so we can stay in time, we CAN play our instruments.....Unlike Nicks Idols Coal chamber who play 0-1-0-1-0-1 notes on the guitar, Evan and pete did not ditch malyce, MATT (Bassist for Piece of shit Platoon, and Malyce) got grounded, we dont get fans by playing songs they know; none of our fans really know operaion Ivy and screeching weasel huh nick? NICK USED MY AMP AT BATLLE OF THE BANDS!! MY EQUIPMENT, NOT HIS!, Look at it this way.. if your drummer was really that bad you'd replace him... and Nick sucked. Ray did to but he got better, And WE DO SOUND BETTER AND STAY INTIME because you said it yourself Nick.... Its hard to play with jake. Thats all i can say about this topic ~ the know-it-all... EVAN
- 12/5: I updated the pics page again, now its just a bunch of links to the pictures. I still only have the 3 pictures up, but I will add more when I get the time. ~the lead singer of your new favorite band
- 12/12: Once again, I updated the pictures page. I added all of the individual South Park pictures and a picture of Evan rolling around in the snow half naked. I added the Chno 42 site to the links page. They are another cool local band from Mountainside and they're also pretty cool guys so check out their site. ~craig
- 12/14: The great mighty bassist and I have just calculated that our fan base has grown from two people to two hands and two toes. Awesome. Our fan club also now includes 4 members, or it will when they pay us. And if they don't pay us I will have loan sharks out after them and their extended families. Have a nice day. ~craig
- 12/20: Just played a show at the Madison swim team holiday party. Not great, but it was still fun. This little kid even asked for our autographs. Check out the South Park logo on the shows page if you haven't already. A few shirts were made with that logo, and a few people commented on them. I was just wondering if we were to make a lot of them if anybody would be interested in buying one. They are white shirts with the logo on the front. Gimmie an e-mail if you're interested. ~craig
- 12/21: Damn it all to hell. Today it was brought to my attention that there is another Common Cold. I checked, and sure enough, some crappy band from Boston stole our name. Not only that, they also put out a LP meaning they copywrited the name so we couldn't pretend we never heard of them and keep the name. And now we are completely useless at coming up with names. Pete actually came up with a pretty good one, but apparantly Less Than Jake is already a band also. Damnit. Eventually we'll think of something, but any input from anybody would be useful. Also still e-mail me about the shirts. The only difference if we did make them would be the band name. ~the pissed of lead singer
- 12/29: Hooooray!!! I got a memory card and am sucessefully suceeding on saving okage.(Previous Entry that i accidently deleted... oops) Hooray!! Ok. News Flash: Our official band name is
- 1/19: Not all too much to say now, but I just wanna say thanks to everybody that's visited the site, cuz to see that the site has been viewed over a thousand times just kicks ass. In case anybody's wondering, I am making a new site for Inspector Hector. It's taking awhile because I have to redo everything. I would just change everything on this site to say Inspector Hector, but I can't change the url, so I'm redoing everything. Other than the url, everything's gonna be pretty much the same though. On a completely different note, Malyce, which includes Inspector Hector members Pete on drums and Evan on vocals, just released their first EP
- New site for Inspector Hector. Update all bookmarks
Email: the_common_cold@hotmail.com