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Welcome to my 'OLD' Homepage

As you all already know, I have deleted my Hompage here in 'Angelfire' to start a brand-new one in 'Geocities'. If you weren't informed of this, then I apologize for not informing you. If you are still coming back here, then you must be one odd person right now. For those who wasn't aware of this and don't have the link to my 'NEW' Homepage; here it is:

The -=[d][b][s]=- New Homepage

I hope you enjoy it. Oh, by the way, if you wondering why I still have a counter here in my 'OLD' Homepage, I still come here to see how many 'odd' people still comes here. Once again, my Hompeage has moved to 'Geocities'; get it right!

If you need to contact me [I don't know why?], here's my email address:

Email Me

Have a nice day!