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$Good Wil$

FEB26th I updated media i will be working on profiles this weekend thank you for your waiting the media part is up it is sum footage from vans its;) check it out tell me what you think in fourms. i talked to NICK on WED he is giving the team to me so i will need sumone to be co manager he is going start hanging out again and sk8 with us i would like to start plan on sk8en in det soon mabye in a couple of weeks;). ttyl JAN 24th 2004-Today the team met we filmed a lot thanks to 3 camras all so we got team pic and everones profile pic collected money for web site and all so talked a bout new T-shirts DECKS, trips and demos-- there will be a nother meeting sat the 31st go out and have fun:) everones profile will be up by friday JAN 23rd 2004-today me and nick met half the team at vans got profile pics and best trick pics done to maroow the 24th we are filming and haveing a meeting about money, boards , shirts and geting everones info for the site and what not i can't wait ! JAN 18th 2004- today starts the new GOOD WIL SK8 team web site. We all so have a new email its if u are on the team plz leave a email with name phone number for team contact sheet so we can keep u updated on meetings and comps. this coming SAT the 23rd there will be a team photo shoot at vans we ask that everyone show up on time and in your good wil shirt we will be taking photos around 4 O'clock if u have a problem with times email or let me or nick know this week. more riders will be added we should have everone on by this coming sunday.