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In the Vortex

(The pirates keep very silent.  They're waiting for a sign from Zoro - any sign.  While they wait, Nami and Vivi take turns decking Sanji repeatedly.

Eventually, Zoro blinks.)

Zoro: …Kuina? (screaming at the universe in general) You mocked my pain once!  Never do it again!

Ben: Try not to think of her.

Zoro (outraged): Not think of her?  I've dedicated my life to becoming the greatest swordsman in the world
because of her! And you expect me to just forget?  That's im-

Random Quote Analysis
You've drawn me naked atop a polar bear in the frozen arctic tundra while touching myself, but it's okay because hey…it's art. - Jade sees her new art. PVP

(Not even the inflammatory nature of that quote can stop Kohza from crying. In his cage. Mihawk passes him a pimpin' paisley handkerchief.)
Mihawk: There, there, young man. It'll be alright.
Kohza (sniffles): This is stupid! I don't even know who Kuina is.
Mihawk: If I could venture a theory? All of Zoro's pent-up emotions are being channeled out through you through your clone-bond.
Kohza: This ...suh, suh, (blows nose) sucks.


Things Explained
Ebil, I've come to tell you that I'm ebil, most definitely.