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The French, the Horror.

(Sanji tries to hide under a table while the rest of the pirates stand around, wondering what the hell happened.  Zoro's nose is bleeding.)

Zoro (holding his face):  Muh noz!

Vivi:  Watch your hands next time.

(Zoro stalks upstairs to find some tissue and get the blood out of his shirt.  Sanji continues cowering under the table.)

Sanji (whimpering): Please, please don't find me.

(Nami emerges from the kitchen, brandishing a pie in one hand and dish of ice cream in another.)

Luffy:  Food!  (he attempts a glomp, but Nami kicks him in the stomach and he hits the wall.) Ouch.

Nami:  Sanji, you are going to eat all of this right now!

Makino:  Er, Nami, what are you doing?

Nami:  I'm helping Sanji with his eating disorder.

Sanji (wailing):  But Nami-san, I don't HAVE an eating disorder.

Nami:  Yes, you most certainly do.  You are a textbook anorexic.

Usopp (peers under the table): You are a bit on the skinny side, Sanji.

Shanks:  Maybe it's not an eating disorder.  Maybe it's tuberculosis. 

Luffy:  Maybe it's a tumor - or a parasite.

Sanji:  It's not any of those things!  Nami-san, get away from me.  I'm not kidding.

(Nami tries to get under the table with Sanji, but he kicks at her.)

Usopp (shaking his head): I never thought I'd see the day.

Makino:  Maybe we should take him to a doctor before we diagnose his acute 'Ethiopian state' as anorexia.

Nami:  No, I'm right.  It is anorexia.  He uses his cigarettes as an appetite suppressant, he exercises incessantly -

Sanji:  It's not exercise!  It's called 'cooking'!

Nami: So you say! But the most damning evidence of all is that he is a COOK and he is not BIG!

Shanks:  My momma said never trust a skinny cook.

Sanji (panicking): You can trust me, I swear.  I have a high metabolism.  It's genetic.

Nami (derisively): Or so the Germans would have us believe!

Usopp:  Now that you mention Germans - Sanji looks a bit Aryan to me.

Luffy:  Textbook Aryan, in fact.

Sanji (smugly): I'm not German.  Everyone knows that Germans can't cook anything but sausages and sauerkraut.

Vivi:  AHHA!  But the FRENCH most certainly can!

(Everyone gasps.)

Makino:  And everyone knows that the French smoke incessantly!

Shanks:  They dress extremely well!

Usopp:  What are you saying?

Vivi:  That perhaps…perhaps Sanji isn't anorexic at all.  Perhaps he's -

Nami:  Yes?

Luffy:  Say it!  Say it!

Vivi:  Genetically predisposed to being skinny because he's FRENCH!

Trailer:Is Sanji French?  Does that mean the author has to kill him?
Sanji:  Goddamit, I'm not French!
Is that what the Germans would have us believe?  Has Zoro stopped his bloody nose?  Where's Ben?  Does anyone care?


Terms Explained:
Mocking the French is an American pastime.  Mocking any nationality is a family pastime.
'Or so the Germans would have us believe' - a phrase used by the author's roommate to indicate the unbelievabilty of a statement.   It is used like so.
Me (dressed up like a nun for Halloween): Look!  I'm a nun!
Roommate (derisively): Or so the Germans would have us believe