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Dinner and a Movie
Cast and location for the movie

Drinks inspired by
and drunk by
the characters

Fanfiction, karaoke, quizzes….

Bottom of the Glass
Almost like information

Links, cliques, and adoptions


Last updated on Apr. 27

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Tashigi Senchou!

She's so hade ni!
Bottles of beer on the wall.

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Disclaimers: I don't own One Piece.  It is owned by a bunch of corporations and Eiichiro Oda.  I did my best to put lots of offensive material here  If you flame me, I'll be happy about it unless the offended person is Oda-sensee, in which case, I will remove the offensive material.  All artwork is original and is the authors unless otherwise stated.  All ideas are original unless otherwise stated.  If you feel I have left the boundaries of good taste and ventured into the realm of extreme - good.  Expand your mind or get cut to pieces.