ABoUT UZ........???????

STupid BUbbLE=EVa
Mrs BAnaNNa lady =ANna
BEaR mAN=ShirlEy

NAme: SHellEY He
AGe:13..TurnIN 14
NIckZ:SHeelah, SHe HE, SHemAle, Sherby, HEad ToileT CLEanEr, HARry POTter
EMAil: heshelley@hotmail.com
ComMenTZ (ABt THem)


StupiD BUBble:

Mrs BAnaNNa lady:  yeh.... mrs HE ....i agree with bear man.... smartest not just outta all ov us outta the whole school ^^ also the most spastic retarded nerd shemale ... hahah hmmmmm i dnt noe wat i'm writing but hey.... I BET!!!! YOUR GOING TO BE RUNNER UP TO DUX OR DUX WINNER ..... AND shelley has all the guys going for her ..rite sheila!?? lmao... mMMMMmmmm sheila why are you so pretty?????/? making us all look bad :/ have fun studying for no reason.... for entertainment purposes i guess HA!    u suck! hmmm lol
neways  i should say something positive abt u .. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh yeh! ur very smart so thankyou for letting me copy off hw :)
muah muah!!!!!
seee ya!  monkey man!!! thats you!! hahahah!


BEaR mAN: ok ok ok,,,shelley..iz the smartest one outta us....-_-" leavin me bein the dumbest...*sigh,,, Shemale..i guess iz spastic...bcoz all 4 of uz r spastic...???  I realli hav no idea wat the hell im writing abt...so.. im jis guna waste space n type things that r not relevant n jis 2 waste ur time. lalalalala..ok..im getting..i mean...growing gayer dis minute.ok.................... well,,,,Shelley's jiz dis smart ass..as i hav already explained to tell u the truth..she mite b able to get DUX...ok..mayb not...COZ JOAN HERE'S 2 SMART..mayb Runner Up to Dux....n if not that...U'RE IN THE TOP 10% AT LEAST! ..yesh?? good..
well..ahem...so,,,,,,,,,...ok..i realli duno wat else 2 say... so..er..yeh..bye..cya..ciao,,,zai jian,,,er...88??..no..w8,,,Shelley..i reckon diz dude here iz u...cute but smart lookin..u knw??? HE/HE...lolz....hahahaha

NICkz:Ek, Cabeva Kid, HeAD of LAla LAnd, PIG (Pigwidgeon)
EMAIl: stupid_ek@hotmail.com
COmeMENtz (ABT theM):
StupiD BUBble:


Mrs BAnaNNa lady:

BEaR mAN: Aiight...Eva..ahem..well..Eva's the best cook outta us...we jis lay on the sofa n she goes n cook our lunch or wateva 4 us when we're ova at her place...so..tanq!!!!!  um...shes realli generous...bcoz..she bringz the most food 2 skool,,,so,,,we all scab off her?? she'z the best violin playa outa uz...  hmm...  She..realli..likez..SNOOD??? lolz..n she sux,,bcoz shez worse than me,,wich says sumthin,,,but,,EK,,dw!!!!  SHelley'z worse!!!! haha..jkjk..ok...dat realli..wasn't funni. Ek'z realli fast at runnin....oh yeh!!!!! n Eva's a big EDISON CHEN fan...and..she also likes Jay CHou, Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, Evanescence...etc...bcoz I do..n therefore she haz 2 like em.... duz dat kinda mak sense EK??  coz Im not gettin wat im writing abt... MAn..i feel dumber every sec...Shit....ok...the pic i reckon that resembles u iz ..hehe..qute yeh?? hehe..itz coz u err...laugh a lot..lolz..and of corse..ur very cute!!!

NAMe:AnNa NgUyeN
AGe:13-tuRNIn 14
NICkz:Mrs BAnanna lady, aNNNnnA, HerMIone GranGEr
EmaIL: annabananna208@hotmail.com
COMmeNTz (Abt theM):

Mrs BAnaNNa lady: 


StupiD BUBble:

BEaR mAN:  Ahem...well...ANna's another lil smart ass...man..ok..well...ANna'z real good at TBL TENNIS...MAN..SHIT!!! Such a pro...like...state number 1!!!!! n national number 4 or 5..sumthin like dat... ok...um,,,yes...hola, hola hola.  Anna iz an Astro-Girlie bcoz...she likez...Astro BOi????  ok...  I knw..dat Anna's embarassed abt uz..especially when we're at tbl tennis comps...and she'z also embarassed abt how we play...dat's how bad we r..but..HEY!..ok  Im running outa stuff 2 write...ok..Anna here iz velli pretti.. um..shes um... er...yes.   OK...i hav nothin else 2 say agen..so..let's observe lamps...<<<<how pretty....the fing inside goes up..and then up again...and then..up again???? ...-_-"..man..o rite...the pic i reckon resembles u is the lamp..but then..lamps are dumb...and that's not u...so um..w8..ill choose a pic 4 u...alrite...and the pic that resembles u...is....hahahaa..ok..mayb not..but i jiz fink diz pic iz qute so diz pic iz guna resemble u....o yea..c??? the..."duk" iz velli energetic...which..er...can symbolize..ur energeticness in...tbl tennis??

NAme: SHIrley SOng:
NICkz:BOb, ShiRLs, Song DE BEar MAn, RON WeasLEy
EMaIL: Shirley_song12@hotmail.com
COmMEntZ (Abt thEM)
BEaR mAN: ...I rule man!!!! I Rule like Shit!!!  *sigh...i suck.


StupiD BUBble:

Mrs BAnaNNa lady: