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And the Winner is...

Brad- 1st Place Jed- 2nd Place
Skim Trophy Skim Trophy close up Skim Trophies
Skim wave trophies by Gar Webb Surferamics

Top 4
Brad - 1st Place Jed - 2nd Place Steve - 3rd Place Justin - 4th Place
Brad 1st, Jed 2nd, Steve 3rd, Justin 4th

A few more moves...
Chris Drew
Chris & Drew
The Steve Justin
Steve & Justin
Joe Chris
Joe & Chris

After the Comp
Checking out the rainbow after the comp Rain is a small price to pay for a rainbow Mike Evers ends the day with a tribal drum solo
Rain is a small price to pay for a rainbow
and Mike Evers ends our day with a tribal drum solo!

Back to comp events

AFSI the day before

License to Skim

[No nonsense Pics] [Comp Lowdown & Flyer]

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