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--==Viper Tutorial==--

**Chat Screen**

*Connect, Refresh, Disconnect*: Self-explanatory.
*Create*: All self-explanatory,...
Use CS Room Name means use the room name that is on the chat screen or it will be overwritten.
x modes are not allowed by users, msn rules lol.
*Options*: All are self-explanatory.
Access list called from the chat screen will not show up for editing on Control Board.
*Userlist Menu Options*: All self-explanatory. If the list is not showing up, set menu to different click options(more to come in this, but after few attempts it will show up assuming you tried trouble shooting too.)
*Quick Options*: Guest and op, kick all part self-explanatory.
*Set command file* allows you set the location and file that you want to use to send it to the server. Makes a lot of things easier, you don't have to type irc command by hand just type them in one or more file , separate each irc command by a separate line. You need to be familiar with irc commands to use this feature, and if you have used mirc it will be easier for you.
supports: rn$ = room name; don't have to type the room name for every room just use rn$ and viper will know that you want to use the room name of room that it is currently in.
me.nk$ = your nick name:$ = your ident: Very handy if you use viper with different passports or names.
*Send command file* allows you send this file which contain all these commands.
*Set/send command file* allows you to do the above in one go and doesn't over write the file set with the set option. It might come in handy, like when you need to send ASCII art.
*Set onjoin* is also a file used to send command, but it send these commands when viper joins the room if the command room join is ticked. Beware if you’re not an host you might be kicked out of the room in viper.
*Send of the this option allows you to use the same file if you want to use it later on.
*Surf/Signin*: Allow you to use and go to rooms in different portals of msn.
*Disable bot* disables the bot so you can go in just as ie. other is self-explanatory.
*extra*: these are extra options just to make thing easier.
*Instant guest unban* is not to unban guest name it is just there to get you in the room if some in the room has same ident as yours.
*Open korn* name say all. *Open viper folder* open parent viper folder.
*re-load database* reloads database without restarting viper.
*Edit database* opens database editor to edit the database.
*Set startup music* lets you change the start up music.
*Add pic icon* lets you add pic icon to you signed in name. Tick that if you have a profile.
*Load settings* let you load the setting from ini file without restarting viper.
*Save settings* let you save settings without closing viper.
*Owner menu* if your an owner and you don't see your owner menu then use this.
*Host menu* if your an host and you don't see your host menu then use this.
*User/no menu* name says it; you don't get that extra viper menu build for mods.
*Force on/off line check* if your having messages that your not connected to the net, then use this. Usually the problem might occur of damaged system file.

**Control Board**

*Options*: everyone knows about these.
*me.nk$* use this if viper haven't extracted your name correctly, I’m sure it won't be need after improving nick list part; nonetheless it's there if the need be.
*$* same as me.nk$ except it used for the ident. Shouldn't mess with these 2, that’s an advice.
*Freeze close* can be used to terminate viper peacefully if the chat screen hangs up. Possible reason are that it's waiting for the msn server to respond. This problem is in iexplorer can't do anything about it, however, freeze close will shut down the program peacefully without crashing the whole system.
*Ulist* will allow to enable or disable the add button to ulist; you don't need it but it's just there to be on the safe side.

--Control Board: General--

*Welcome* everyone knows this.
*Give voice onjoin* unspecs people who join the room.
*Disable welcome message* lets you set the welcome message without nk$.
*Whis. in main* will welcome through whispers in the main chat pane.
*Whisper* just whispers welcome message.
*Main-personal* to you and to the joined person it will look like a normal chat room welcome, but no one else sees this welcome message. Very good if you don't want to disturb people who are chatting in the room with welcome messages.
*store welcome* stores 5 different welcome messages. "Note: any of the flat boxes means you have to double click them to edit.
*Font format box* lets you set font for viper.
*Welcome message box* lets you set welcome message for the room.
Supported: |, +|, nk$, me.nk$
*Bot response* everyone knows this.
*Whisper reply* replies whispers.
*Separate log* option logs whispers replies in a separate whisper window.
*Adv* use advertisement, the box before it is the time interval, double click to edit it. You can store very large number of ads. If you have MS Access, use compact and repair utility on the database if this feature slows (keep an eye on the size of the database that tell you if it is optimized or not) down which will optimize it again.
*Block eico* Blocks emoticons if you want to scarp them use scrap option or you can mask them; mask option will show emoticons as "?" that will tell you if someone is flooding the room or not.
*Show server messages* lets you view server messages in chat screen.
*Client messages* lets you view client messages like welcome messages.
*RM Join cmds* if this is ticked viper will execute the commands in the onjoin command file.
*Time options* self-explanatory.

--Control Board: Kick warn--

First 2 (Privmsg, Whisper, Notice) gives the freedom to use or turn off filter options for these 3 server messages.
Privmsg is when you normally talk in chat pane.
Whisper everyone knows what it is used for.
Notice is used basically for time checking.
*Auto whisper* whisper block messages from the spect person so he she doesn't flood or annoy through whispers. But you can see what he/she is saying in the chat pane. Better than ignore.
*aRemove* auto removes any access entries the kicked/spected person like if that person has set him/her on auto host when she/he is kicked or spected viper will delete auto host entry for that person.
*Welcome back*
Supported: |, +|, nk$, me.nk$
*pflood* is ping flood used to knock a person out of the room. This will protect from such kind of attempts.
*scroll* double click the box to set it's interval.
*notice* can be used to kick upon checking time.
*UCase* 4 ways can used to protect against upper case letters.
*eico* allowing the maximum number of emoticon a room member can use. It's more like a scroll protection, put it in ucase by mistake.
*word* maximum number of caps words can be used. Note if there is a small letter in the word it won’t be counted. next option solves these.
*letters* some people can be very creative adding few small letters in their words so the bot won't kick them, well this one sets the maximum number of capital letters can be used. Keep in mind about the capitols in text formatting, offset of 5 is enough for that.
*Char* how many number of characters can be in a message. Another scroll filter in ucase option :) lol
*TLock* Topic lock so that no one can change the topic. You can get the current topic or double click in the box below to type your own.
*MLock* mode lock doesn't allow to change modes, but if someone deops the bot, it won't be able to change it.
*OjLock* onjoin lock, locks the welcome message of the room. if you want to break welcome message use \n that is provided by the server.
*irc watch* watch for irc command, if detected kicks/warn/spects that person.
un/Block whisper name says it.
*Profanity w/k* ( you can watch for ads like *http*and don't use -> ?)
*Spare op1* want to save some people or room hosts from this filter add them to op1 list and tick this option.
*Block nick Changes* if you don't like guest nickname changes tick this it will kick them out. Didn't find any place to put its warn/kick/spect sub options.

--CB: Access-- Self-explanatory.

Changes in Bot Response Commands:
kk = kick
akk = akick
wel = welcome
chg wel = change welcome
+op = add op
-op = remove op
+o = host
+q = owner
+pban = powerban
-pban = remove pban
m = spect
av = add voice
rv = remove voice
+v = give voice
-v = take voice
chg t = change topic
+ao = ahost
-ao = del ahost
+user = allow user
-user = del allow entry
mode = set mode
+l = change max limit

Level 1 operator's commands:

To turn on the welcome on arrivals:[UserID] welcome >>on (Note: 'UserID' field is where you type your guest name)
To turn off the welcome on arrivals:[UserID] wel >>off
To change the welcome message:[UserID] chg wel >>(hello or whatever) nk$! (welcome message here)
To kick someone: [UserID] kk >>[nickname] Msg: (type here the kick message)
To set an auto-kick on someone:[UserID] akk >>[nickname] Msg: (type here the kick message)
To host someone :[UserID] +o >>[nickname] ( you can use [me] here also.)
To de-host someone :[UserID] -o >>[nickname] ( you can use [me] here also.)
To add someone to operators list:[UserID] +op >>[nickname]![Ident]
To remove someone from operators list:[UserID] remove -op >>[nickname]![Ident]
To store pass for the room : pass >>[your room pass here]
To retrieve pass for the room : pass >>give (The bot will whisper you the pass)

Level 2 operator's commands:
1. To kick all in the room (To kick a gold bot needs to be on gold status): [UserID] kk >>all
2. To host gold :[UserID] +q >>[nickname] ( you can use [me] or [all] here also.)
3. To make a participant from gold :[UserID] -q >>[nickname] ( you can use [me] or [all] here also.)
4. To ban an un-bannable nick name :[UserID] +pban >>[Nickname]
5. To unban power banned nickname :[UserID] -pban >>[Nickname]
6. To auto un-spect on arrival :[UserID] av.
7. To turn off auto un-spect on arrival :[UserID] rv.
8. To un-spect a nick name in room :[UserID] +v >>[Nickname]
9. To spect a nick name in room :[UserID] -v >>[Nickname]
10. To change topic for the room :[UserID] chg t >>[The topic that you want]
11. To auto-host someone :[UserID] +ao >>[Nickname] (Tip: You use "*" "[UserID] >>*" to set everyone who joins the room on auto-host.)
12. To remove auto-host entry :[UserID] -ao >>[Nickname]
13. To allow someone when whole room is on ban :[UserID] + user >>[Nickname]
14 To delete an allow entry :[UserID] -user >>[Nickname]
15. To set a mode (any of the available irc/ircx/mic modes to users can be used here) :[UserID] mode >>[room_mode]
16. To change max limit :[UserID] +l >>[Number of people you want to allow]

CS = Chat Screen
nk$ = addressed nick name
me.nk$ = Your Chat screen nick name with viper$ = your ident with viper
rn$ = room name
| = line breaker
+| = message breaker

Above classes are supported in:
Welcome Message: nk$, me.nk$, |, +|.
Ad: me.nk$, |, +|.
Time: nk$, me.nk$, |, +|.
Send Command File function: rn$, me.nk$,$., |.

Database mID (Message ID):

1 To 15 are kicks
16 To 45 warnings or messages (you can also make menu option out of this like help me bot)
46 only spec
47 To 50 spec with messages

To use filters you need to select type of server messages to use on, which are as follows:
Privmsg: Used to talk in the conversation pane.
Whisper: Used for whispers.
Notice: Time and few other messages.

Don't press enter in vipers input-box that text box is not completely finished yet. There is no length handling for internal message processing so the text in welcome box, whisper box, welcome back box, locked topic box, and locked welcome message box shouldn't be not more than 255 characters long.

Tutorial Was created by JJ armstrong