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LATEST NEWS - 04/28/03

We at STUda® Gardening have been very busy these past few weeks working at boosting site traffic. Hopefully with our new top secret traffic upping methods we will create a massive buzz in the gardening community. Wish us luck!



The pictures of the facilities in Maine are up now. Some pictures of the cross breeds will also be put up as soon as possible. Some product pictures are now also up. Thanks for your input!



Well, we have now turned to updating this site monthly. With no complaints registered as of yet from our surfers, we will keep going with this format. We have been inundated with a massive reply from the fans of STUda®, and it seems as though they would like pictures of our facilities. It seems as though many fans don't live on the east coast, so they would like to know what our facilities looked like through this site. Well, to our west coast viewers, we would like to announce the recent acquisition of some land up in the north west, and are under construction as of now. We have decided to sell one of our main building's located in Florida, so that we could pay off all of our debt we owed on our previous greenhouse in Maine, that was destroyed. The remaining staff of Florida will be moving up to Maine to help out the others in Portland. However, we are still in business. So keep them orders coming, just don't plan any visits to our facilities in Florida. Who knows what the new owners will do with the premises. As for pictures, it appears as though that will be stalled, until we have enough revenue to buy a digital camera. Perhaps, one of our other members own one in Maine, but to our knowledge they lack in that area as well. We will have these posted as soon as possible though. Remember, we may procrastinate like the government, but even though there is an overwhelming majority vote, we will follow-through with our people's voices.



Wow its been a month since the last update. I have established a more permanent workspace like I promised in the last update. I have acquired a beautiful apartment in the Portland, ME region. You may ask how I got from a dumpster to a nice apartment? Well thanks for asking, now I'll explain. After being infected with rabies from those troublesome racoons I was saved within inches of death by a wealthy doctor who saw me limping down main street while mumbling madly to myself. He not only cured me, but after looking at this site that I was working on in the hospital bed, he thought I might be able to help him with his own "little web site". Well, the site turned out to be WebMd, and within days I was making $300 an hour doing tech support for the site. To make a long story short, I got enough money for some new clothes and one months rent in this apartment and left because of boredom. So folks... WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS!!!



As you may have noticed this site has not been updated for some time now. This has been due to the accidental demolition of our headquarters in Maine. The jerks at the DOT decided it was necessary to build an 8-lane superhighway through the site and we could do nothing to stop them. After this unfortunate incident, I, the Webmaster, spent many months wandering the evil streets and harsh ghettos of southern Maine. I finally found new residence with a family of raccoons in a dumpster. From there I scavenged pieces to build a makeshift computer and tapped into a phone line of a local residence to gain access to the net. Currently I am working on establishing a more permanent workspace, but for now, this will have to do.



All of us here at STUda® are proud to present this brand new web site for all of our customers. We feel this is an overall improvement from our old site at in every single way. Our layout will remain the same, but our design has improved more than ten-fold. This site will also allow pictures and animations of our products as well as increase our daily traffic. We feel this site will benefit our customers in several more ways than one, compared to our old and outdated home page.



Alright people. We were so over-whelmed with the sheer mass flow of e-mails that flooded our e-mail accounts, that we couldn't pick out a winner. Why, you may ask. If you don't, keep reading anyway. The reason is because the folks at MSN, were so irritated with the fact that we were over our storage limit for half a year, that they took away our accounts... temporarily. Yes, now that we have such a large bank account from our associates up in Maine, we decided to put forth a little bribe, that not even Bill Gates could reject. So beginning March 1st, we will start up that old contest. Anyone who sends a picture will be automatically entered.