My Rationale for Choosing Sweden:
.....While looking for inspiration as
to what country to pick for my virtual travel, I discovered an appendix
in my English textbook, Women Across Cultures: A Global Persepective,
which outlines the status of women worldwide through statistical data.
Aspiring to choose a country where women have power in the public
sphere, I began looking at the various categories of statistics and
chose to focus on government positions. As I browsed through the various
countries’ statistics of women in government positions, I was
shocked at so many of the low percentiles; some countries even had
no women in government. Continuing my search, I found Sweden. Surprised,
its percentiles for women in government positions were even higher
than here in the United States and all other countries. With this
in mind, I felt confident that Sweden would be an excellent choice
for a country to study.
What I Know About Sweden:
.....At the moment, I really do not know
anything about Sweden. The only things that I do know are the statistics
that found in the back of the English text; the location of Sweden
is on the Scandinavian peninsula of Europe; the average age of marriage
among women is 30; the average rate of divorce is 44 percent; there
is a 99 percent literacy rate among women; 46 to 55 percent of all
college students are women; the life expectancy for women is 80; there
are 7 maternal deaths per 100,000 births; there is one death per every
6,803 abortions; 78 percent of women use contraceptive devices; the
abortion law allows women to have an abortion on request in Sweden;
the average number of children is 2.1 per woman; women make up 48
percent of the workforce; women make up 56 percent of the professional
and technical positions; women make up 39 percent of the administration
and management positions; and women make up 41 percent of the legislature
and 52 percent of the cabinet (Burn 292).
Interpretations of the Statistical
.....Through interpretation, many things
can be inferred by these statistics. With the 99 percent literacy
rate, it can be concluded that most women in Sweden receive an education.
With women being 46 to 55 percent of all college students, 48% of
the workforce, 56% of the professional and technical positions, and
52 percent of the cabinet, it can be assumed that women are as likely
as men to attend college, get a job, obtain a professional or technical
position, and become a member of the cabinet. With women composing
of 39% of the administration and management positions and 41 percent
of the legislature, it can be presumed that women are not as likely
as men to receive these positions. With the life expectancy for women
being 80, seven maternal deaths per 100,000 births, and one death
per every 6,803 abortions, it can be inferred that the health care
in Sweden is very good. With 78% of all women in Sweden using contraceptives
and abortions being granted on request, it can be deduced that Sweden
is a very pro- choice nation.
.....Through researching about women’s
rights groups, history, culture, literature, and technology, I hope
to learn a whole lot more about Sweden. Through this research project,
I will learn a little more about one country and in turn, a little
more about the world, including international issues for all women.