WWX FURY simulator Readme Version 2.0 (Ice Edition) ===What's Ice Edition== Nothing much. Just changed the starting commentators, announcer and wrestlers. ===How to use:=== Double click fury.html to start. Type in names of the superstars involved and their moves. Then select the options below the screen to simulate the match. ===Buttons:=== Clear screen - Clears the screen (the whole thing will be lost) Update - After manually making changes to the stuff in the screen, click update so that data will not be lost when you click another button. Superstar Taunts - Taunts the superstars In Ring Fight - This is the beginning of the match. Things get heated up. Ringside Fight - Also the beginning of the match where the superstars battle outside. The Battle - Most important part. The match itself. Epic Battle - Many near falls. Superstar 1 wins - The match ends. The first superstar wins Superstar 2 wins - The match ends. The second superstar wins Random winner - Any superstar can win. This simulator can only simulate singles matches. As for now. However, you can make tag matches by simulating one part of the match... Then type in "the tag is made". Click update. Change the wrestler... Continue the match... Maybe in future versions the simulator would support tag team matches. ===How to run a card/special match:=== Open your card/tvshow file - Example: Fury.html/fury.txt Open this simulator. Click on the buttons to simulate parts of the match. When you feel like editing parts yourself, type in what you want, then click update. Then continue to simulate from where you stopped. After you are done, copy the whole thing from the simulator screen and paste it in your card. This is not an automatic simulator like Zeus Pro, so you have to work a bit. This simulator just -sort of- does the typing for you... You need to create your own tvshow/card file because this sim does not generate a file for you... Or at least not yet. ===Combinations:=== Mismatch - Click [In Ring Fight] once and end the match using [Random Winner] or [Superstar 1/2 Wins] Normal match - Click [In Ring Fight] once, [Ringside Fight] once, [The Battle] once and end the match. Long match - Click [In Ring Fight] once, [Ringside Fight] once, [The Battle] twice/thrice and end the match. Epic battle - Just like long match except that you end the match AFTER clicking on [epic battle]. You can change the orders of the combinations but be logical. Don't do something like: [The Battle] followed by [Superstar Wins] followed by [In Ring Fight] This means the match is already over but they still fight. Well you can do this if you want an aftermatch fight. ===Questions?=== Please email josh@para5.zzn.com