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To complete this webquest you will work in teams of 3. There are three goals to accomplish in this project. For each goal you and your partners will have different jobs. However, your jobs will correlate to one another to help you accomplish the tasks at hand. You will all use the internet to do research on the Earth's oceans which will help you accomplish your goals! Helpful links have been provided below, however you are expected to research your own sites as well. Good luck and have fun!!
Goal 1: Discover Five Rare Marine Species!

You and your partners have been selected by a world renowned group of expert scuba divers to journey to some of the deepest regions of the Earth's oceans. Your goal is to "discover" five rare species of marine animals. The jobs that each of you will take on are 1 photographer to take as many pictures as possible of each species, and 2 recorders to document as much information as possible for each species. The recorders will be responsible for answering the following questions, as well as including any additional information you feel will be pertinent to your discoveries. You will then prepare a photgraphic slide show and a report to present to your peers.

1. Where did you discover this species?

2. In what type of environment does this species live?

3. Into what Kingdom, Class, Family, etc does this species fall?

4. What does this species prey upon/eat?

5. What are the predators of this species?

Goal 2: Describe Two Famous Oceanic Trenches!

You and your partners have been chosen by a group of oceanographers and geologists to explore two of the world's most famous oceanic trenches and report back your findings. Your goal is to describe the trenches in as much detail as possible and to prepare a film. The jobs that each of you will take on are 1 filmographer to record as much film as possible of the trenches, and 2 recorders to document as much information as possible for each trench. The recorders will be responsible for answering the following questions, as well as including any additional information you feel will be pertinent to your discoveries. You will then prepare a film and a report to present to your peers.

1. What are the names of the trenches you've explored?

2. Where are these trenches located?

3. What geological activity did you see occurring in these trenches?

4. How do you surmise that these trenches formed?

5. How deep are these trenches?

6. What marine life, if any, lives in these trenches?

Goal 3: Explain the Effect That Pollution Has Had on Our Oceans!

You and your partners have been given one of the most important jobs of your lifetime...possibly of any lifetime. You have been selected by a group of environmentalists, oceanographers, and ecologists to study the effects that man's pollution has had on our oceans. Your goal is to describe the effects and repercussions of the pollution in as much detail as possible and to prepare a powerpoint presentation. The jobs that each of you will take on are 1 photographer to take as many pictures as possible of the disastrous results, 1 analyst to research the source of the pollution as well as to analyze how the pollution has changed the ecosystems of the oceans, and 1 technologist to prepare a powerpoint which will be presented to a group of your peers and fellow scientists. The analyst will be responsible for answering the following questions, as well as including any additional information you feel will be pertinent to your discoveries. You will then prepare your powerpoint presentation to help educate your peers.

1. What is/are the source(s) of the pollution which has/have affected the oceanic environment to which you are presenting?

2. Which species have been affected most in this particular environment?

3. What species, if any, have been completely obliterated due to the effects of this pollution?

4. How long has the polluting of this environment been going on for?

5. How has man been affected by the pollution of this environment?

6. In what ways can we all help in the cause to repair the damage that has already been done?

Discover-Rare Species
Merriam-Webster: Oceanic Trenches
Ocean Pollution