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Your Pisces birthday shows you to be an idealistic and hardworking individual who, with a sense of purpose or a clear objective, can be determined and dedicated. By combining your creativity and practical abilities, you can show your true originality. You may benefit, however, from staying detached and learning to let go rather than taking life too seriously. Although you may at times face adversity and frustration, your endurance and charismatic enthusiasm help you attract assistance from others.
The added influence of your Sun in the decanate of Pisces indicates that you are sensitive and impressionable, with a strong sense of vision. Being a sympathetic individual, you are receptive to the feelings of others but need to beware of fluctuating or nervous moods. These emotional extremes imply that you benefit from thinking positively and being in harmonious surroundings. An ability to access the collective unconscious suggests that you are naturally psychic; when this is combined with your advanced social skills, you have a gift for dealing with people. If unhappy, however, avoid indulging in escapism or self-pity.
Ambitious, you possess excellent executive skills and the potential for leadership. Being a good organizer, you work better when you have a plan for the future. As you usually benefit most from long-term investments, you should avoid ambiguous get-rich-quick schemes.
Until you reach the age of nineteen your progressed Sun moved through Pisces, placing the emphasis on your sensitivity, receptivity to your surroundings, and emotional needs. While you are between the ages of twenty and forty-nine your progressed Sun moves through Aries. This influence suggests that you will enter a new phase by becoming more assertive, daring, and spirited, which can result in a desire for new ventures. After the age of fifty, when your progressed Sun moves into Taurus, your need to be established and feel financially secure will increase, coupled with a desire for a calmer life.

Having emotional power suggests that you have a magnetic personality and the potential for being compassionate and generous. When your strong self-will is positively focused, you can accomplish miracles through your determination and strong convictions. If you indulge in negative thoughts, you can become extremely stubborn. This can also cause you heartache or depression. When you begin to express your true feelings, you can achieve inner freedom by being detached without appearing ruthless or cold.
A desire for knowledge of a more profound nature suggests that you have a love for harmony and peace. With your subtle sensitivity, you possess enhanced perceptions of color, light, and sound that you may wish to channel into artistic, musical, or spiritual pursuits. Through selflessness and a universal approach to life, you achieve true happiness and satisfaction.

Naturally friendly yet ambitious, you have an ability to initiate projects and make contacts. Your ease at dealing with people can help you in any career, but your sensitivity suggests that you need harmonious working relations to be happy. Although you have administrative and managerial skills and can succeed in business, you may be more emotionally satisfied using your imagination and sense of originality. If in the sales world, you have an ability to make friends with your clients and also have a psychic awareness of what the public wants. By being of service to others or taking a spiritual approach to your work, you can find deeper fulfillment. You may wish to express your emotions through an innate talent for writing, drama, or music. Being independent, you may do better working for yourself.

As a number 1 individual, you are inclined to be individual, innovative and courageous, with plenty of energy. Often there is a need to establish a strong identity and develop assertiveness. The pioneering spirit indicated here encourages you to strike out alone. These self-starting forces can also stimulate you to develop executive or leadership abilities. Full of enthusiasm and original ideas, you can show others the way forward. With a number 1 birthday, you may also need to learn that the world does not revolve around you and avoid and inclination to be self-centered or dictatorial. The sub influence of the number 3 month indicates that you need to express your feelings. Relationships, companionship, and friendships are very important to your emotional growth. By learning to focus on one particular goal, you can avoid losing sight of your purpose. Nevertheless, a need to expand and explore implies that you are likely to travel and may even settle in a foreign land.
POSITIVE: Leadership, creative, progressive, forceful, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious.
NEGATIVE: Overbearing, jealous, egotistical, proud, antagonistic, lack of restraint, selfish, unstable, impatient.

Charming and charismatic, you are often easygoing and friendly. Usually, you are drawn toward strong and forceful individuals. A need to express your feelings implies that you can sparkle in social events. Generous and kind, you are willing to do your utmost for those you love. You usually admire those who are mentally sharp and decisive. When at ease, you can be entertaining and witty. Often involved in unusual types of relationships, you need a great deal of freedom and space.