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back to anger poetry

you piss me off
you motherfuckers out there
you motherfuckers who
act like you care

you dont give a shit
you dont care a bit
you act like a friend
but you're not

if i talk about you
maybe then id feel better
ive tried to talk shit
about you.

but it doesnt work for too long
my conscience pulls me aside
tells me to calm the hell down
and that you're not worth it

you acted so nice
when we first met
now you're used to me
now you forget me

when you go out with other friends
you don't invite me
you used to invite me
now you dont

i hate when you expect
me to enjoy your company
and laugh at your lame jokes
because you think it's funny

but you're not funny,
and you're not cute
you dont think im funny
and you dont think im cute

and that doesnt bug me
that you dont like me
but the fact is
you shouldnt have acted

you shouldnt have acted
like you liked me
im a big boy
i could have taken it

fuck you for pretending
and making me feel like shit
fuck you for everything
that you made me feel

fuck me for thinkin we
could be best friends
i almost wish we
never even met

the only reason im glad
i know you is because
you're fucked up manners
taught me a lesson

a smile on the face
a pat on the back
positive expressions
and courteous manners

they dont mean anything
they can
but not with you