Hot Boys! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

By Tara

I find bisexual guys extremely attractive. I especially love when boys that are a little "gothy" wear some eyeshadow and go at it. *swoon!!* I'm not completely sure why (it most likely has something to do with David Bowie), but I do know this: When hot guys kiss, it turns me on. I admit it. Maybe you're shocked by my fetish. But maybe you're thinking, "Yes! I think hot guys making out is awesome, too!" Perhaps you are a gay or bisexual man. Perhaps you are a girl like me who enjoys boys who have tongue wars. Perhaps you are just a curious person. Whoever you are, I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do. I mean, seriously... these pictures are like porn to me.

I will leave comments under pictures that, uhh... require commenting. Oh, and you can see pictures of my favorite couple at the bottom :)

Of course, I must begin with David Bowie about to initiate homoerotic activities with Lou Reed.

I love the lip piercings and hair on these boys. *_* Gah.

Its always great when a couple of punk boys decide to mack it :)

Good morning boys! Have a good night? [Note: Nailpolish!!!!!]

LIP BITING!! *wheeze!*

Fransenbah... meckablek... gurngleemaver... abootseedoots....

Note the lady in the background. WHY is she not watching these boys with intent? WHY???

Ok, they're not kissing, but come on! That's adorable!

More lip biting....

Lip biting AND necklace tugging... even better. *tears up*

I'm sorry... that's just so effing cute.

Hehe... I feel bad for the boy in the background.

These two are my FAVORITE!!! The boy on the right is especially gorgeous... look at that hair...and a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt! AHHH! These boys are perfect!

And there's a couple more pics of David and and the boys being bi.

So... there you have it! Hot boys kissing!

I'll let you in on a secret, I think that hot *girls* kissing is awesome, too. Only problem is, whenever I type "hot goth girls kissing" in a search engine, I get a lot of virusy porn. All I want is kissing, dude! So if you, the visitor of my web-site, comes across any pictures like these, send them my way and I'll start a page! :D

Oh and if you have any more pics of hot guys kissing and you'd like to see them on here, please send them to me!

Remember, boys and girls: You could always take your *own* pictures! :):):):):)

I hope you're not scarred for like now! *grin*