By Tara

Yes you read correctly and shut up. This is the most exciting adventure that we've had in a while.

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll hyperventilate. You'll be grossed out by the bathroom.

First, we got in line. We entertained ourselves while we waited for our food. Amanda threw her scarf over my head and I pretended to be a Saint!

Then, Amanda posed with my portable boyfriend! They look cute together, dammit. I have to watch them... *eyes the two suspiciously*

Amanda decided to be an Angel, too... Oh! Look how precious she is!

After eating our DELICIOUS food, we decided that we needed to take a trip to the bathroom. Sure, we had to pee, but thats not why we went in! We had to take pictures, yo!

Amanda observed a puddle of an unknown liquid on the floor. Eeewwww.

I didn't know what the potty was. Amanda explained it to me.

Yeah, I didn't know what the toilet was, but Amanda was afraid and amazed by it!

Oh, and here's another picture of us outside of Burger King. We don't like this one. It's too normal.

Well... Bye!