Here's some MORE pictures of Tara, Amanda and some friends. ENJOY!
Tara chumming with Lou Reed. (Feb. 2003)
Amanda in her "artsy" stance. :) (Feb. 2004)
Oh yeah, AMANDA??? You think that you're the only one COOL enough to wear glasses??? Well guess what! When Tara isn't wearing her contacts, SHE wears glasses TOO! What now!(April 2004)
Amanda being gorgeous before her prom. *sigh*(May 2003)
Hmmmm.... umm... what's something clever and witty that I can put for a comment under this picture? Uhhh.... hm... I'll get back to you. (July 2004)
It looked as though Tara and Amanda were going to make out, but thank God! The picture taker got no such picture. Phew!.... (Feb. 2004)
....Oh. nevermind. (Feb. 2004)
Amanda at her craziest! (That's a lie.)(Feb. 2004)
Tara before prom with Amanda, Tara with her prom date, and a lonely prom Tara.(April 2003)
...And Tara at her prom through the eyes of someone taking acid!
Tara in a Ziggy Stardust wig after the Beacon concert in Oct. '02... darling Amanda behind her. Girl in background obviously disgusted.
Tara, trying to pull off Jon-ness (as in Rhys-Meyers)(Oct. 2003)
Can you handle even MORE Tara and Amanda pictures? I know, it may be getting hard (no pun intended), but you gotta do it. In fact, I'm not even gonna link you back to the home page. You only have one option! You MUST go to Page 3 of the pictures! HAHA! Next Page
(We're going to pretend that the "Back" button doesn't exist for now.)