AUGUST 19, 2003

What a morning. What a day. What a night.

What a Chance!

Well, for Amanda, attending the Bowie show at The Chance theater in Poughkipsie (not Poughkeepsie, my way of spelling it is funner) was a BIG chance. Her parents would never have let her go (especially with me... they LOATHE me), so Amanda had to come up with a plan. Fast.

Here is what she told her parents: She went to a college tour in NYC with her friend Laura and spent the night at her house. How studious. How responsible. How unrealistic!

So in the spirit of Reality, here's what she actually did: She drove herself and I to Poughkipsie from central New Jersey to secretly catch a (wonderful) Bowie show. How exciting. How irrtational.

Amanda and I drove to Poughkipsie with no troubles. In fact, on the way there, we saw Marilyn Mansons tour bus. (Manson is a lover of ours.) It was a sign from The Area that everything was going to go just fine.

We arrived in the creepy little town in which Bowie was to perform at about 12 noon and chummed with some friends. You're always in good company when theres Bowienetters around. ;)

We waited and waited, but the time seemed to fly as the concert time drew near. I was so excited, I was nearly convulsing and Amanda and I had to periodically clench hands together to relieve some Bowie tension (it works, people).

We saw gail arrive...

Doesn't she just rock?

About 2 hours before the show, Bowie emerged to sign some autographs for his loving fans. Amanda ran to his left as I, the near-to-puking Tara, meekly shivered to his right. Bowie approached Amanda and CONVERSED WITH HER!! I hear it went like this:

Bowie *points to Amandas Duke outfit*: Hey! I know you!

Amanda *trying not to break down*: YOU DO?

Bowie: Whats your name?

Amanda: Amanda!

He then proceeded to autograph her shirt! How dare he ruin it! The BASTARD! I would have been so pissed!


So then he came to my end, but I was so freaked out, that I wouldn't (and couldn't) dare say a word. I knew, as usual, I'd make a complete ass of myself and end up blurting something horrific like, "I SAW YOU NAKED IN MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH!" (I've never actually said that to him, but I have a feeling that my powerful subconcious would take over and cause me to say something like that. *blush*

So, I took a few pics of him and once he looked up at me, I backed off so I would not pass out and/or go insane. I ALMOST DID! Here's some pictures that Amanda and I took (first ones are Amandas):


Now, as if that moment wasn't hot enough, we get into the theater and we are FRONT CENTER!!! We are so close, that it is freaking scary. Seriously, at this point, I am scared... And happier than I've ever been.

When Bowie came out onto the stage, my initial reaction is to run - run away as fast as humanly possible. Dumb, I know, but don't worry, I didn't run away. He was so close to Amanda and I that we could barely handle it. It was wonderfully terrible and terribly wonderful at the very same time.

We had never been so close to Bowie for such a long amount of time! I thought to myself, "If I end up actually going to heaven, it will be just like this... Forever being so close to David at a concert." There was nothing better! At the Roselands I was real close too, but I was separated from the stage by about 3 feet because of the barrier where the guards hung out to yell at people with cameras and such. There was no barrier this time.

He played some AWESOME KICK ASS FREAKING DUDE AMAZING songs... a bunch from the upcoming Reality and some he hasn't done in quite some time. SISTER MIDNIGHT???!!!!! HANG ONTO YOURSELF!!???!!! FANTASTIC VOYAGE!!!! IS IT EVEN LEGAL TO PLAY SUCH COOL SONGS????




We got a TON of great pictures of David performing... LOOK AT THEM! YOU'RE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!! So during the show, he whacked me and Amandas hand and we caressed his soft lucious boots. At one point, I just had to feel up his leg a bit... what can I say? I loose my sense of rationality at this things. :)

DAVID was SO HOT!! He was looking younger and more gorgeous than ever. Gail was looking hot, too. Gail, that hottie.

Well, so thats a long story short (yes, this is the SHORT version). In summary, Bowies show at The Chance in Poughkipsie, New York on Auguest 19, 2003, was the most kick-ass concert ever.

Its going to be QUITE hard to top, but I'm really going to try at the upcoming US dates. Wish me luck. :D