Name: Lucas Jones
Residence: Corry, PA
Years affiliated with guard: 8
Shows I have performed in: "Two Sets of Jones'," "As the Years go by," "Lord of the Dance," "God in America," "Prince of Egpyt," "Amazing Grace"
Shows I've directed: "Basic Instructions," "Every Season"
Favorite Alliance Show: My favorite show was "Prince of Egpyt"
Favorite Shows by other Guards: Well, I really liked Ventures show from 2001! The colors were amazing and they were really great performers.
Ultimate Dream in Guard: To someday perform in a world class guard...
Ultimate Dream as a Guard Instructor: To see these girls perform with all their hearts in it.
Favorite Guard Memory: Accepting the Hard Hat award in my second year...because i got hit in the head with Mandi's sabre.
Favorite Song: "The Heart of Worship" by Michael W. Smith...I like this song because it talks about when the music fades and all is stripped away it is simply our desire to worship Christ. For He is the whole reason we are on this earth in the first place.
Name: Lesley Roach
Residence: Corry, PA
Years affiliated with guard: 1
Background: This is my first year of working with the guard. I have 16 years of gymnastics training and performing. I also helped with a summer marching program.
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