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Layout by HIPPIE

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Good News! Billy has joined a new band called Abandoned Pools. This is confirmed on the offical website. Also check out for more info!

Well, as we have all know for a while, Billy and Nate have sadly left the band. I've decided the Billy conent will stay as is for now, and i'll continute to add any new pictures/reviews for upcoming The Calling shows. If/When Billy and Nate join a new band, info about that will aslo be posted here.


All I have to say is, college is amazing. I absolutley love it down here at OU. Hopefully TC will hit the road here in the US soon, and there will be more awesome experiences for me to add to this website. :)


Well, I'm officially moved into my dorm at OU! I'm very excited. today I have to go get my books and all that good stuff, and tomorrow I start classes! wish me luck. and sign the GB and let me know how you like the new layout, thanks to melissa. you can find her link on the links page. :)


awww! look how cute this is!!

click to enlarge

Thats alex and katie (katiewood on the loft) hugging at pittsburgh for the hug thing that katie started. She had people all sign up who wanted her to hug alex for them. Now I wish I had signed it... I didn't because I was like, oh I can hug him myself... which i did... but aww. Thats just the cutest pic ever. She said alex was really excited about it too and made sure he had the list before he left. Hmm that makes me REALLY wanna get a billy pic like that!! *muah* ;) I should ask next time... I mean c'mon it not like he doesn't like giving hugs! This time I'd just make sure I got a pic during one of them lol. I just can't over it. that it the cutest pic!! Yay for katie!

Added the rest of the pittsburgh pictures that I have. Although there are other ones that I took that Jody has on film. Hopefully she'll send me copies as well, and I'll add those when I get them. Also added autographed stuff.

Oh yeah, and walmart ripped me off. After bucyrus I have 6 rolls of film devloped, with 5 copies each so everyone I went with could have copies. It cost me $32. It cost me $33 for TWO rolls of f*ing film with four copies after pittsburgh!! What the HECK?? and chirsty paid $50 for four rolls! That is insane. We asked about it and were told, "its cheaper when you get more copies per picture. Wtf ever. It should NOT cost me more to get two rolls developed than 6!! I am so upset about that! UGH. I hate you walmart.... and they're the only place that does multiple copies like that so I HAVE to go there..... maybe that guy did it on purpose. I think he hates us cause we always come in with so many rolls and want multiple exposures. He definitly seemed annoyed yesterday... anyway... enough of my ranting. Go enjoy the pictures! And you'd better, they were expensive!


Billy pics from pittsburgh added! Pics of the rest of the guys will be added tommorrow.

Yay! I got my pics back and they turned out great! More Billy pics turned out than I expected too. Half the time I would go to take a pic of him and dino would move in the way, or he'd move back. etc. So it took forever getting them off the disc cause the dumb walmart people screwed them up majorly and I had to go through like 3 different programs per pic to get them to to look decent. Ugh. Oh well still quicker than scanning them. As soon as I get them all tagged they'll be up. i'm putting up the pic of billy and I right now though. :)


I'm back from pittsburgh! I had an amazing time of course. It was awesome hanging out with the guys again, and they all remembered me, epecially Billy amd Aaron. :) Billy turned around and saw me and just came right up and hugged me, so I was like, "So you remember me?" "Yeah! Bucyrus! We were talking about college!" I was really suprised, he remembered specifically where we'd last seen each other and some of WHAT we talked about too... it made me super happy! :) Anyway.. enough rambling. We're going to get pic developed this afternoon. I don't know how they'll turn out, cause I was using Jody's camera. Mine didn't work! I hope its fixable or i'm screwed. so yeah, it was really hard to get billy pics during the show, he kept being blocked by Dino. i'm gonna get the pics put on a disc so I don't have to spend hours and hours scanning this time. Pics will be up soon. Rewiews.. as soon as I have time to sit and type it all!


ahhhhhhhh! I'm going to pittsburgh tomorrow! *dances* I can't beleive it! after all these ups and downs ad hoping and being dissapointed, I'm ACUTALLY going! whoohooo! Yay! And what does that mean for you? New billy pictures of course!! LOL. And of course pics of the rest of the guys as well as a hopefully wonderful review!


added 1 comment(s) to "why".
added 3 comment(s) to "why" and 1 to "in his words."

added 3 comment(s) to "why" and 1 to "in his words."

found out today someone came to my site, and STOLE one of my billy pics from cleveland, and used it in her email picture group. I found out because I am IN that group. She sent out about four pictures, and I'm going through and she's giving credit to these different girls. I open the next one and its MY picture! All it said was it was taken in Cleveland July 18th. No website link, no nothing. She took it without asking. If anyone wants to use my pics and they ask, I'm willing. As long as they leave my pics intact and link back to me. But of course, she steals it. So i changed my billy layout graphic too. I was already afraind someone would steal it and crop it, that made me even more. It might be too late now, but at least no one else can take it. extremally pissed.


added 1 comment(s) to "why" and 1 to "in his words."

added 1 comment(s) to "why" and 1 to "in his words."

site officially opened.

added 2 comment(s) to "why" and 1 to "in his words."

began site construction