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OK, I just thought I'd add a few personal thoughts on Andrew W.K. and his music. First off, those closest to me, Kirk and Karen and my girlfriend Vanessa, absolutely HATE AWK's music. I can think of nothing greater that makes them more pissed off than when I slip the I Get Wet CD in the player. (Actually, I am banned from choosing music around them because of it.) They honestly believe that I love AWK's music soley for the reason that it pisses them off. We'll, they couldn't be more wrong.

I'm not trying to make this a love letter paean to AWK or to justify my attraction to the music. However, I'm writing this to point out a simple, obvious truth--AWK and his music invoke a tangible feeling.

In times like these with vacant dance radio airplay and cookie-cutter rock bands, it's hard to hear a song and feel anything. Sure, you can move to the beat, mosh to it, hell, even polka to it, but the music itself is leaves little room for more than just blank ass shaking. It lights no fires in you and leaves you generally unsatisfied. I Get Wet makes me feel something. Something I haven't felt in years, and probably the last time I felt it was when I first played the Sex Pistols' Nevermind The Bollocks... when I was 17. AWK's music makes me get up and feel--feel like I want to party, feel like I want to pump my fist, feel like I want to drive really fast--but most of all, it just makes me feel good. It makes me happy, and in the world we live in it's sometimes hard to find something that makes you feel good. And feeling good is what it's all about. And I know that AWK makes other people feel. K, K, & V who don't listen to AWK also feel something--rage. And that's just damn cool that music invoke such a range of true feelings. Dude, that's the true spirit of punk rock--that's fucking anarchy, and that's fucking beautiful.

And damnit, AWK just fucking rocks. Thank you, brother.
